True or False: Schools are designed for the middle class
What is true? (Specifically the middle class fund of knowledge)
True or False: the Constitution of the US has a say about the education in the United States
What is false?
School's Culture
What kind of teaching and learning should be happening in school?
Embracing cultural norms to better fit into society
What is cultural assimilation?
Main Character who undergoes a spiritual and mental transformation
Who is George?
Factors Effecting Student Success
What is cultural group, teacher and parent collaboration, and connections?
Main reasons for teachers leaving the profession
What is lack of respect, low salary, and long, difficult hours?
True or False: Strong family relationships are build through a process
What is true?
True or False: The average American home spent more of their income on healthcare in 1950 than 2010.
What is false?
(2.4 in 1950 and 4.5 in 2010)
Number of rules to follow on the Energy Bus
What is 10?
Percentage of children in poverty
What is 20%
What are poorer facilities, poorer teachers, and under-resourced schools with less than 10% white students?
Lowest form of parent involvement
What is volunteering in a committee?
Covert Cultural Awareness
What is not outwardly seen such as behaviors and communication?
Issue that causes George to take the bus
What is a flat tire and worn/broken brakes?
Income Effects on Attendance
What are illnesses and lack of resources such as transportation, food, and clothing?
Disparity measurement of groups based on test scores, dropout rates, and grade point average
What is the Achievement Gap?
Characteristics of a group in an organization
What is Milieu?
CLED Acronym Definition
Culturally, Linguistically, and Economically Diverse Backgrounds
Three "wolves" who denied getting on George's bus initially
Who are Michael, Jamie, and Jose?
Six Challenges to connect with families in school
What is
1. promote caring communities
2. encourage positive familial environments
3. provide enriching childcare
4. provide positive before and after-school care
5. create collaboration between parents and teachers
6. meet the needs of children from different backgrounds and cultures?
What is progressing students based on talent and achievements?
Best method of productivity for meetings
What is use an agenda, listen to perspectives, ideas are welcomed, prioritize concerns, select mutual concerns, plan an action, make clarity on decisions, and summarize the meeting?
Cultural Reciprocity Steps
What is knowing person's worldview, learn about families and communities, acknowledge cultural differences, and reach mutual goals?
Desire, vision, and focus, move your bus in the right direction
What is Rule #2?