Positive Reinforcement
10 Steps to Guiding Behavior (2 part answers)
Children with Diverse Needs
5 Ways Teachers Can Help Families
Edible or material objects a child wants
What is Tangible Reinforcement
2 Part Question: Part 1 - Making center areas well defined Part 2 - Setting boundries for approperate behavior
What is Part 1 - Arrange and modify the environment Part 2 - Establish appropriate expectations
English as a Second Language
What is ESL
Individuals with Disabilities Act is a federal act providing a free and appropriate public education to youth between the ages of 3 – 21 with disabilities
What is IDEA
Refering families to the serviced they need
What is Provide support services for parents and children
Access to fun or preferred activities
What is Activity-Based Reinforcement
Part 1: Actions speak louder than words Part 2: Physical, Social, Emotional, Cognitive, Linguistic, Spirtual
What is Part 1: Model appropriate behavior Part 2: Guide the whole child
English Language Learner
What is ELL
Individualized Educational Plan/Program is a plan for meeting an exceptional learner’s educational needs, specifying goals, objectives, services and procedures for evaluating progress.
What is an IEP
Not having an atttitude towards families
What is avoid criticism and being judgmental toward parents
points that can be exchanged for something a child wants
What is Token Reinforcement
Part 1: Knowing child develpment is the cornerstone Part 2: Humans are motiviated by their basic needs
What is Part 1: Know and use DAP Part 2: Meet the child’s needs
Instruction is in English with no native language support
What is Immersion
An approach whereby students with disabilities receive all instruction and support services in the general classroom
What is Full Inclusion
Giving oppertunities that families may have not have had otherwise
What is offer educational experiences for parents and their children to participate in
Expressing praise and approval for appropriate behavior
What is Social Reinforcement
Part 1: Replacing malfunctioning behavior with one that works Part 2: Independence and responsibility for ones own behavior
What is Part 1: Help children build new behavior Part 2: Empower Children
Students are given instruction inside the mainstream classroom
What is Push-In ESL
1. Zero Reject 2. Nondiscriminatory evaluation 3. Multidisciplinary assessment 4. Appropriate Education 5. Least restrictive placement/environment 6. Procedural due process 7. Parent and student participation
What are the 7 Principles of IDEA
Being aware of family situations
What is be sensitive to the needs of families in your classroom
Results directly from a child's behavior
What is Natural Reinforcement
Part 1: Feedback about ones accomplishments Part 2: Partners with others in the child's life
What is Part 1:Use praise and encouragement Part 2:Develop a partnership with parents, families and others
Students are given instruction outside of the mainstream class
What is Pull-Out English
Name 3 Principles of IDEA
What are 1. Zero Reject 2. Nondiscriminatory evaluation 3. Multidisciplinary assessment 4. Appropriate Education 5. Least restrictive placement/environment 6. Procedural due process 7. Parent and student participation
Look for classes on how to involve families
What is seek professional development training