Chapters 18 and 19 only
Chapter 19 Only
Chapter 20 Only

This man was sent to the Mexican-Texan border by Polk, eventually his troops were fired upon..

Zachary Taylor


This led to a large migration westward in the mid 19th will lead to California wanting statehood.

Gold Rush


The idea that people in territories will decide whether slavery exists or not..

Popular Sovereignty 


Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Harriet Beecher Stowe


What is the official start of the Civil War?

Fort Sumter


This man was elected as the one and only president of the Confederacy....

Jefferson Davis


This speech was given by Daniel Webster where he strongly advocated for the Compromise of 1850, urging sectional compromise on the issue of slavery to preserve the Union, despite angering many abolitionists in the North by supporting the Fugitive Slave Act

7th of March Speech


This third party believed that the west should be free (1848)...

Free Soil Party


A document framed in Lecompton, the Territorial Capital of Kansas, in 1857 by Southern pro-slavery advocates of Kansas statehood. It contained clauses protecting slaveholding and a bill of rights excluding free blacks, and it added to the frictions leading up to the U.S. Civil War.

Lecompton Constitution 


Name THREE Border States....

Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia


This man's trial captivated the nation as his fate was decided that he will remain property....

Dred Scott

What was the name of the event where Union troops boarded a British ship looking for Confederate envoys....

Trent Affair

Who traveled to Japan and opened trade with the US there...

Matthew Perry


Where did John Brown attack and was eventually camptured?

Harper's Ferry, Virginia


What angered people in NY so much that they eventually rioted over the draft?

Rich people could buy their way out of the draft, fighting for a cause they didn't believe in.


This man came up with a last ditch effort to save the union....basically give the south all of the western territories as slave states....

John Crittenden 


A position on slavery in U.S. territories that Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas presented during the second Lincoln-Douglas debate in Freeport, Illinois on August 27, 1858

Freeport Doctrine


Name THREE of the 5 components of the Compromise of 1850....

Answers will vary


What were TWO causes of the Panic of 1857?

Gold, Crimean War, Land Speculation


Name TWO things Lincoln did that can be seen as a violation of his power.

Suspended Habeas Corpus, Sent troops, passed laws without congressional approval...


This man took over the presidency after Zachary Taylor's sudden death....

Milliard Fillmore


A white southerner wrote this book argued that non-slave holding whites actually suffered most in the slave economy....Who was the author, what was the book title?

Hinton Helper


An agreement signed in 1850 between the United States and Great Britain to establish a neutral and jointly protected transit route across Central America

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty


Why did President James Buchanan do nothing when the South seceded? 

1. Lame Duck

2. Pro-slavery advisors/congress

3. Didn't know if he could legally send troops to the soouth.


What was the name of the act that created a common currency for the first time in America?

Legal Tender Act