Ch. 5 & 6: Relationships
Ch. 7: Inferences
Ch. 8: Purpose & Tone
Ch. 9: Argument
Ch. 10: Critical Reading
Choose the word: after, also, another, moreover, then If you're used to e-mail, sending an actual letter can seem like a long, drawn-out process. First you have to get a pen and paper, an envelope, and stamps. _____ you write the letter, you have to fold it, place it in the envelope, and attach a stamp. Finally you find a place to mail the letter.
What is after?
Shortly after the young woman sat down in the bus, she lit a cigarette. The man next to her waved some smoke away, nudged her, and pointed to the sign at the front of the bus. The woman did not turn to look at the man and continued smoking calmly. The man got up and spoke to the bus driver, who continued driving and shook his head. At the next stop, the man, looking disgusted, got off the bus. Which 3 inferences are most logically supported by the information given? 1. The man had never smoked. 2. The smoke was bothering the man. 3. The man pointed to a no smoking sign. 4. The driver refused to get involved. 5. The man got off the bus because it was his stop. 6. The driver was related to the woman.
What are 2, 3, 4?
Billboard advertising is a form of visual pollution and should be banned. Is the primary purpose of each item to inform, persuade, or entertain?
What is persuade?
Choose the point: A. Most fur products are made form animals bred for that purpose, so few endangered species are threatened by the fur industry. B. Animal rights activists should not attack others for using animals for fur and medical experiments. C) Many treatments that save human lives were developed through animal testing programs. D) Animals bred for fur coats are generally well cared for because breeders want a healthy coat.
What is B) Animal rights activists should not attack others for using animals for fur and medical experiments?
Fact or Opinion? Local TV news shows devote too much coverage to violent crimes, accidents, and fires.
What is opinion?
Choose the word: after, also, another, moreover, then I have a limited interest in people whose main topic of conversatiuon is themselves and who never show any interest in what is happening to me. ___________ group I avoid is people who never allow facts to interfere with their opinions.
What is another?
Read paragraph C on page 312. We can infer that as a child, Ellerbee A. preferred eating at the dining room table to eating in front of TV. B. was glad that she no longer had to set and clear the dining room table C. wished that her parents watched TV programs that she enjoyed.
What is A.) preferred eating at the dining room table to eating in front of TV.
The world's first ads were neither printed nor broadcast electronically; they were vocal, called out by street peddlers promoting their wares. Is the primary purpose of this item to inform, persuade, or entertain?
What is inform?
Which 3 of these support the point, Convenience stores live up to their name? A. Convenience stores are close to home. B.Small local businesses should be supported by the community. C. Some convenience store chains sell products under their own brand name. D. Convenience stores are open until late or all night. E. Parking is right outside the convenience store's door. F. The produce at most of our supermarkets is usually terrible.
What are A, D, and E?
Is this sentence fact, opinion, or fact and opinion? In the 20th century, child labor laws put a stop to such outrageous practices as having five-year-olds working sixteen-hour days.
What is fact and opinion?
Is this A) definition and example; B) comparison and/or contrast; C) cause and effect? Phobias are intense, irrational fears that are out of proportion to the actual danger in a situation. For example, people with the fear of open places (agoraphobia) are often reluctant to leave their homes.
What is A) definition and example?
Read the paragraph on page 312. We can infer that when Ellerbee imagined ghosts, she A. was remembering better times with her family. B. was scared of passing by the dining room. C. realized her childhood home was haunted.
What is A) was remembering better times with her family.
Al Smith, the Democratic candidate for President in 1928, was known for his ready wit and quick comebacks. Once he was heckled while making a campaign speech. Tell 'em everything you know, Al," yelled the heckler. "It won't take very long." Al Smith answered with a grin, "I'll tell 'em everything we both know--it won't take any longer." The tone of the passage can be described as A) forgiving. B) amused C) bitter D) disbelieving.
What is B) amused?
Choose the point of these sentences: A. Fear of failure motivated the author;s son to do well in English. B. Fear of failure is a good motivator. C. Some people learn skills after high school in adult literacy programs. D. Some kids wo't pu school first unless they know they might fail.
What is B. Fear of failure is a good motivator.
Which propaganda technique is used in this sentence: testimonial, plain folks, bandwagon, or name calling? "I get each day off to a roaring start with Zip breakfast cereal," says champion stock car racer Miles Leonard.
What is testimonial?
Is this A) definition and example; B) comparison and/or contrast; C) cause and effect? Bread made with whole wheat flour is brown, but not all brown bread is whole wheat bread. Some manufacturers add molasses or honey to the white flour dough to give it a brown color, and they are allowed to label this product wheat bread. For this reason, it is important to read the package label before buying.
What is c) cause and effect?
Read the paragraph on page 313. We can infer that the author of the passage thinks A. factory workers are not good at managing money. B. all factory workers are underpaid. C. the man in the example is underpaid.
What is c) the man in the example is underpaid.
Al Smith, the Democratic candidate for President in 1928, was known for his ready wit and quick comebacks. Once he was heckled while making a campaign speech. Tell 'em everything you know, Al," yelled the heckler. "It won't take very long." Al Smith answered with a grin, "I'll tell 'em everything we both know--it won't take any longer." The primary purpose of this passage is to A) inform students about a humorous aspect of a historical figure. B) persuade people to support the Democrats. C) argue that Al Smith should have won the 1928 presidential campaign.
What is A) inform students about a humorous aspect of a historical figure?
Which of these sentences is not the point and does not support the point: A. Fear of failure motivated the author;s son to do well in English. B. Fear of failure is a good motivator. C. Some people learn skills after high school in adult literacy programs. D. Some kids wo't pu school first unless they know they might fail.
What is C. Some people learn skills after high school in adult literacy programs.
Which fallacy is used in this argument: false cause, false comparison, either-or? Ever since the new mayor took office, our town has had a string of burglaries. He must be soft on crime.
What is false cause?
Is this A) definition and example; B) comparison and/or contrast; C) cause and effect? In the 1890's most Americans were struggling to reach a middle class lifestyle. By the 1990's, in contrast, an overwhelming majority had achieved the middle class but were either losing it or struggling to hold on oto it. In the 1890's, government responded to the prodding of reform minded citizens, but in the 1990's that framework of controls on large corporations was steadily dismantled.
What is B) comparison and/or contrast?
Read the paragraph on page 313. We can infer from the passage that A. immigrants are eager to take other people's jobs. B. the man in the example would probably oppose hiring immigrants. C. most immigrants don't do their jobs as well as domestic workers.
What is B) the man in the example would probably oppose hiring immigrants.
"I cannot believe you would do this!" a woman hissed at her husban. "What kind of man takes his wife into a public place to tell her he's having an affair with her best friend? What am I supposed to do now--order an appetizer?" The tone of this passage is A) sorrowful B) ashamed C) outraged.
What is C) outraged?
Which three sentences are the supporting ideas? A. In the 6th centruy B.C., ships that came into port sent criers around town with signboards to announce their arrival. B. The ancient Phoenicians painted advertisements on stones near the paths where people often walked. C. The first printed advertisement was prepared by printer William Caxton in England in 1478 to sell one of his books. D. Far from being a recent invention, advertising has been used to drum up business for thousands of years.
What are A, B, and C?
Is this argument circular reasoning, personal attack, or straw man? People should not wear fur coats because it is the wrong thing to do.
What is circular reasoning?