Freedom Riders (CORE)
Violent Times of Fall of 1962

Who are Freedom Riders?

Group of people that boarded buses, they belong to an organization named, CORE.


Who is James Merdith, and what university did he apply to?

James Merdith was a veteran of the U.S Air Forces. He was the first black student to apply to the university of Mississippi.


Whats was the CORE's goal?

To improve race relations. 


What happened to the CORE activists for doing what they do?

They were sadly severely beaten by mobs of whites or, by KKK members.


On what other day did CORE protest? What happened at this protest?

CORE protested again on Mothers Day and, they were sadly beaten by mobs of white and KKK members.


During Summer of what year, how many riders rode to Jackson, Mississippi? What happened to them? And, what did this lead to?

During Summer of 1961, 300 riders rode to Jackson, Mississippi just to get arrested. This led to the end of segregation buses.