Seeds That Support School Learning
The Three Eras of Education

A website/app where you can create online bulletin boards and save pins. 

What is pinterest?


In the apprenticeship era, parents decided what their children would learn. 

What is responsibility? 


A online development that in 2013 resulted in lower student passing rates and a nearly 90% dropout rate 

What is MOOCs? 


Students often look beyond what school has to offer, choosing to pursue instead whatever interests them or what they think is necessary to advance their careers.

What are expectations of the lifelong-learner era?


Happens when teens make the full shift from media consumer to producer

What is geeking out? 


Modeling, observation, coaching, and practice. 

What is the pedagogy of the apprenticeship era? 


Designed to provide immediate feedback on learners' progress towards academic goals

What are computer-adaptive testing systems? 


When students participate in web communities or take distance education courses, they interact with teachers and other students over the Internet based on common interests. 

What are relationships in the lifelong-learner era? 


"You can learn anything. For free. For everyone. Forever." 

What is Khan Academy? 


Resources, interpersonal, information, systems, and technology 

What are the "core competencies"?