James Monroe defeated this man in the election.
Who is Rufus King?
Jackson invaded Florida to fight _______ ______ with 3000 men.
Who is the Seminole Indians?
Henry Clays series of Bills he wanted to Pass.
What was the American System?
The Whig party argued that Jackson was a ________.
What is a tyrant/barbarian.
This bill stated: that state power should be greater than federal power.
What was the States Rights Doctrine?
Monroes president was named The _______ of _______ _______.
What was the Era of good feelings?
Even though Jackson won the votes, this president was elected anyway.
Who was John Quincy Adams?
The American System would raise ______ ______.
What were protective tariffs?
When John Quincy Adams called Jackson out for his bad handwriting, Jackson said this.
What is "I just spell things differently, because I'm smarter than you"?
This act removed the Indians from their home.
What was the Indian Removal Act?
Monroe was pro _______ ________, including roads, bridges, canals, and energy.
What is Internal Improvements?
Jackson formed this new political party.
What is the Democratic Party?
Henry Clay wanted the national bank to use a _____ _____.
What is a single currency?
after JQA signed a protective tariff, this portion of the US threatened ti nullify it.
What is the South?
This man wrote the Indian Removal Act.
Andrew Jackson
The _______ of ____ set a border between the US and Canada 49 degrees N. Latitude.
After his first cabinet failed Jackson made this new cabinet.
What was Jacksons Kitchen Cabinet?
This man lowered The tariff set by JQA.
Who was Andrew Jackson?
The IRA was named the _____ of ____.
What was the Trail of Tears?
Monroe was _______ meaning loyalty to his nation.
What was nationalism?
Jackson's Secretary of State was named his "Little Magician".
Who was Martin Van Buren?
Henry Clay wanted this type of govt.
What was a strong federal government?
The tariff was so bad that the south threatened ______.
What is succession?
When Jackson crashed the economy he blamed it on MVB, and named him "______ ____ _____"
Who was "Martin Van Ruin"?