Because of the Convention of 1818, a border was set between Canada and the USA.
What is 49 degrees N. Latitude?
The American System was paid for with...
What are protective tariffs?
This election was nicknamed the...
What is "Corrupt Bargain?"
Andrew Jackson won the election of...
What is 1828?
Jackson wanted farmers to have land east of the...
What is the Mississippi River?
Rush - Bagot Treaty
What is limiting British naval power on the Great Lakes?
Another term for the American System.
What are Internal Improvements?
The candidates in this election included...
Who is John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William Crawford?
Jackson created something called the Spoils System which gave _____ people government jobs.
What is Common People?
The first Indians to be removed.
Who are the Choctaw Indians?
His presidency was nicknamed the "Era of Good Feelings"
What is no political party competition, nationalism, internal improvements, and foreign policy victories?
Two of the most important things for America made by the American System.
What is the Cumberland Road "National Road" and the Erie Canal?
You need ______ of the electoral vote to win the election.
What is more than half?
His cabinet was full of unqualified members so he created the...
What is the "Kitchen Cabinet?"
After they moved to the new land gold was found on it.
What is having to relocate again?
The Secretary of state during Monroe's presidency.
Who is John Quincy Adams?
The Cumberland Road connected these two states.
What is Maryland and Illinois?
The Secretary of State following this election.
Who is Henry Clay?
Southern states threatened secession if this tariff was not removed.
What is the Tariff of Abominations?
This was the name of the Cherokee Chief.
Who is Sequoya?
This document warned European countries to avoid colonizing the Americas.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
The Erie Canal made life easier for businesses.
What are bringing down prices to ship goods?
Overall the election was chosen by the ______ __ _________ and _______ was chosen.
What is the House of Representatives and who is John Quincy Adams?
To deal with the southerners angered by the tariff Jackson passed the ____ bill which forced the south to pay their taxes.
What is force bill?
What is The Trail of Tears?