Motion, speed, and acceleration
Forces and friction
Laws of motion
Machines and work

An airplane is getting ready to take off. It begins at 0 m/s. It’s final speed is 40 m/s. It took 5 seconds for the plane to go from its initial speed to its final speed. What was the airplanes acceleration? 

The airplanes acceleration is 8 m/s squared 


What is a force? 

A force is a push or a pull


Finish Newton’s third law of motion: 

For every action, there is an...

Equal but opposite reaction. 


How do you know if work is being done? 

When an object moves in the same direction as the force 


A certain car can accelerate from rest to 27m/s in 9 seconds.  Find the car's acceleration.

acceleration = final speed - initial speed / time

so 27 - 0 / 9 = 3 m/s^2


Suppose a runner runs 70 meters in 2 hours and then runs another 14 meters the next hour. What is the average speed of the runner? 

The average speed is 28 meters per hour 


How can you find the net force if two forces are acting in opposite directions?

You can subtract the two forces to determine the net force. 


What is the law of conservation of momentum? 

The total momentum of objects that interact does not change 


If an object does not move, is work being done? 

If the object does not move, no work is being done. 

What net force is needed to accelerate a 50kg cart at 15 m/s?

force = mass x acceleration so 50 x 15 = 750 N


What is the speed of an object that traveled 50 meters in 5 seconds? 

10 meters per second


How do balanced forces affect an objects motion? How do unbalanced forces affect an objects motion?

Balanced forces acting on an object will not change the objects motion. Unbalanced forces acting on an object will cause the object to start moving, stop moving, or change directions. 


Explain Newton’s second law of motion which states: 

Acceleration depends on the objects mass and the net force acting on the object. 

The greater the force, the greater the acceleration or the greater the mass, the lower the acceleration.


What is a machine?

A machine is a device that allows you to do work in a way that is easier.


Which has more momentum: a 225kg dolphin swimming at 5m/s, or a 300kg manatee swimming at 1.5m/s?  Show formula, all work and a sentence for full credit.

momentum = mass x velocity

momentum of the dolphin = 1125 kg x m/s

momentum of the manatee = 450 kg x m/s

The dolphin has more momentum


What is a reference point?

A reference point is a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion


What is friction? 

Friction is the force that 2 surfaces exert on each other when they rub against each other 


An object at ________ will remain at __________. An object in _________ will remain in ________ at a constant _________ unless something acts on it. 

Rest, rest. Motion, motion, velocity. 


What are the three ways that a machine makes work easier? 

By changing force, distance, or direction 


Your laundry basket weighs 35N and your room is 4m above you on the second floor.  It takes you 8 seconds to carry the laundry basket up.  What is your power? Show formula, all work and a sentence for full credit.

power = force x distance / time

power = 17.5 W


How can you tell if an object is in motion? 

An object is in motion if it changes position relative to a reference point


What are the four types of friction?

Static, sliding, rolling, and fluid


What is inertia? Provide an example

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. An example would be when a car slams on its breaks and the person keeps moving forward.


What are the 6 kinda of simple machines? 

An inclined plane, a wedge, screws, levers, wheel and axle, and pulleys 


You do 30 Joules of work while using a hammer. The hammer does 25 Joules of work on a nail. What is the efficiency of the hammer? Round to the nearest whole percent. 

Efficiency of the hammer is 83%