The title of the story.
What is the Headline?
Text following the headline that summarizes the story.
What is the Deck?
The stronger picture.
A way to make your story appear longer.
What is by formatting it into a longer, more narrow column?
A resource that provides a list of publications, what they are looking for, how many writers they publish and query requirements.
What is The Writers Market?
A popular style headline, that stretches across the columns.
What is a Banner Headline?
Author's name. Usually followed by credentials. Almost always listed under the deck, but before the story begins .
What is the Byline?
Newspaper name placed prominently on the front page.
What is the Flag?
Two reasons the layout of the newspaper is important.
What is... because it draws the reader in and gives a sense of organization?
SASE stands for...
What is a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope?
A headline designed to pop out to a reader. Usually a word or short phrase. Frequently used in feature writing or special stories.
What is a Hammer Headline?
Tells the reader where the rest of the story is located within the paper.
What is the Jumpline?
The caption that includes information about the picture.
What is the Cutline?
The type of font used in newspapers.
What is San Serif?
The way to end your query letter.
What is... thanking the editor?
A headline that includes a single word or phrase, followed by a colon and a deck sitting next to it in two lines. Common in hard news.
What is a Tripod Headline?
The space between lines in text.
What is the Leading?
The three photo shapes.
What are square, vertical, and horizontal?
The meaning of the font name San Serif.
What is no serif (little tags on each letter)?
When determining which publication to submit your query, you should make sure...
What is...that the publication has the same target audience and has content along the same lines of your piece?
3 rules for writing headlines
What is written in present tense, bolded, and accurate (aka doesn't try to trick the reader)?
The space between each character in text.
What is the Tracking?
One specific thing that determines what makes a photo the better photo.
What is a photo that draws the reader in and evokes emotion?
One category of font to avoid in newspapers.
What is Script?
Two things to include in your query.
What is a description of your piece & an explanation of why it will fit their publication?