Game that Chris sometimes plays with the father of the bride.
What is Chess?
Charlotte's favorite stuffed animal
What is alpaca or dinosaur?
This person worked at a zoo
Who is Christine?
Three languages Charlotte has learned (not including English)
What are Spanish, French, and Arabic?
This person's hand has a scar that says "hi"
Who is Chelsea?
The first message Chris sent to Charlotte
What is congratulations for crushing the first cold call of Law School?
True or False: Charlotte sometime takes her favorite pillow with her when she travels.
What is False? (Char often sleeps with no pillow)
This person spent a couple summers cutting up plants
Who is Charlotte?
Charlotte does this almost every day at 6am
What is Yoga?
This person has finger toes
Who is Charlotte? (Who is Elizabeth? is also accepted)
True or False: Charlotte and Chris chose to pair up to write a semester-long brief together in their first semester Legal Research and Writing class.
What is True?
This Tik Tok creature is Charlotte's one true love
What is Juni the cat?
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade once featured this person.
Who is Sophia?
What type of international competition did Charlotte win in high school?
What is Science Fair?
This person went on a bear expedition Up North
Who is Presley?
Hat Char wore during Chris's proposal
What is cozy hat with pom?
Charlotte refuses to ski without at least three layers of this clothing item.
What is socks?
This person grew up doing musical theater
Who is Hannah?
Reason behind the nickname "Charlotte in a Hurry"
What is Charlotte was born early, and thus at home?
Her dog is named after legally blonde
Who is Cristy?
In which cultural capital of the world did Charlotte learn her LSAT score?
What is Panama City Beach, Florida?
Charlotte's favorite item while home and relaxing
What is a cozy blanket?
This person makes the best mashed potatoes her family has ever seen
Who is Charlotte?
Charlotte's age when she moved to New York for the first time
What is three years old?
She rocked the role of the slutty featherduster in beauty and the Beast not once, but twice
Who is Anne?