Respect General
Respect BrightStone
Respect Self
Respect as a community
Respect at home

Respect means following the Golden Rule, What is the Golden Rule?

What is Treat others the way you want to be treated.


We can pick up _ _ _ _ _ even if it isn't ours to help show respect for our classroom and school. 

What is trash?


You only need to shower once you start to smell or when someone says something.

True or False

What is False


There is trash all around the back porch. What's the best way to show respect for BrightStone?

A) Leave the trash for someone else to clean up

B) leaving the trash for someone else to clean up since it's not your problem

C) Pick up the trash quickly then go hang out with friends

C) Pick up the trash quickly then go hang out with friends


Following rules at home is a great way to show respect. True or False

What is True?


What should you do if your friend is feeling sad and crying?

What is ask them what's wrong and try to help them?


We should always push in our chairs when we get up from our seat so no one gets injured when moving around the room. 

True or False?

What is True?


If your best friend has a hole in their pants what is the best way to let them know this without making them feel embarrassed?

Pull them to the side or whispering it in their ear


You are playing in a soccer game and you can hear the parents from the other team and they are yelling at your team telling you that you are going to lose because their team is much better. Does this show respect to your team?

A) this shows respect because the other team is better

B) This is ok and is showing respect because they are adults and are allowed to say what they want.

C) This is not respectful because it is not ok to be mean even if you are an adult.  Adults should set a good example

C) This is not respectful because it is not ok to be mean even if you are an adult.  Adults should set a good example


Your dog is hungry and thirsty.  You know that you should give him/her some food and water but really, what's the emergency?  You parents will take care of it when they get home.

A) It is ok to let your dog wait, after all, it is a dog you can't respect a dog.

B) All living things should be respected and since a pet relies on you for everything, it is even more important to respect your dog's needs.  Give him/her some food and water.

C This shows a lack of respect to your parents because as a member of the family you should be willing to share in the responsibilities of taking care of a pet.

D) B&C

What is D


If you hear a rumor about a someone else should you tell the rest of your classmates? 

Yes or no? why or why not?

What is No, and it can hurts others.


What should you do if you see someone doing something that is dangerous?

a) Ignore it

b) Tell an adult

c) Handle it yourself

 b) Tell an adult


You can show self respect by Brushing your _____  every morning and night.

A)  Your cat

B) Your feet

C) Teeth

C) Teeth


This is what you call a person who offers to help do a job knowing they don't have to or won't get paid to do it, just out of the kindness of their heart.



Your parents ask you to take a shower and get ready for bed.  Doing what you are told shows respect for?

A) Your parents

B) Yourself

C) Both

What is C) Both


We show respect to others by saying _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What is Please and Thank you


A new student starts at BrightStone.  They feel shy and out of place.  They don't really know what to do or how to act.  You and your friends laugh at them because they don't know how to act or what to do.

A) it is ok to laugh at them, it is funny and besides pretty soon they will fit in so we should have fun while it lasts.

B) They are having a rough time and I know how I would feel if that was me.  It is not ok to laugh and shows a real lack of respect.

C) They are having a rough time and I know how I would feel if that was me.  It is not ok to laugh and shows a real lack of respect.


Your friend invites you to their house, they only live a few houses down. You grab your bike and go without telling anyone and without wearing your helmet.  Afterall it is only a few houses away.  You are showing a lack of respect for

A) Your parents

B) Yourself

C) both your parents and yourself

 C) both your parents and yourself


We should treat others with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (The two things we are working on this month).

What it kindness and Respect?


When you leave your house and you are the last one home, you show respect by:

A) locking the doors.

B) leaving the doors unlocked so when others get home they can get into the house.

C) just leave, it doesn't matter, locked or unlocked, you live in a safe neighborhood.

 A)  locking the doors.


As a student at BrightStone we can show respect to other during class by ------------- when we have a question and not shouting out

raising a quiet hand


True or False: It is our job to clean up after ourselves.



Can someone else get you in trouble? Yes or No

No, We are responsible for our own choices. 


Name 3 community helpers.

This is an open ended question. examples could be fire fighters, police officers, health care workers, etc. 


Tell us one way you can show respect at home.

Open discussion