Direct, Indirect, Both?
Flat or Round
Dynamic or Static
What Character Trait
Random (Some T/F)

This is when the author uses adjectives to describe a character.  There is no confusion about what we know of this character.

What is direct characterization? 


Hazel Bergeron from the short story "Harrison Bergeron"

What is Flat (She has average intelligence, and thinks we should all be made equal, that's about it)


Scar from the Lion King.

What is static (because he is just as evil at the end of the movie as he is at the beginning)?


Homer: Blue Jeans, Yellow Skin, Bald Head 

What is apperance? 

True or False: The definition of character is a human being that goes through an emotional struggle.
What is "false?"  You can have a character that is an animal or an object, and not all characters have a conflict!

"The quiet girl sat down behind me."

What is quiet + direct characterization?


Boa (The main character) from "Boa," the pixar animation.

What is a round character (He grows up, has a wife, plays sports, hangs with his mother)?


Mary Maloney from "Lamb to the Slaughter" 

What is Dynamic (goes from an average housewife to a murderer that covers up her crime)?


Mickey Mouse: "How now...Brown Cow!"

What is speech?


This is the name for the kind of character that we follow in a story, and the one we generally root for as well.

What is a/the protagonist?


When Mr. K walks in the room, we all put our phones away, sit up straight, and fold our hands, ready to listen.

What is indirect + what is effect on others?


Bruce the Shark, from Finding Nemo 

What is a Flat character? (We know he is trying not eat fish, but sometimes does...that's about it).  Again, a flat character is concerned with personality, not behavior!  


Amy Tan from Fish Cheeks

What is a Dynamic Character (She learned to Embrace her Culture)?


Mathilde borrows the diamond necklace "covetously" 

What is actions?


True or False: If the main character in the movie I am watching is named "Dr. Evil," then Dr. Evil is the antagonist.

False!  Just because he is evil has nothing to do with whether or not we are following him as a character!  


The smart girl studied for her English quiz and got a 105% percent, an A++.

What is both Direct AND Indirect characterization? (Smart + Aceing her quiz)


Monsieur Loisel (Mathilde's Husband)?

What is a flat character?  


The Mother from "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid

What is a static character? (She only gives "advice"/rules for the entire story)


When Fregly, from Diary of a Wimpy Kid enters the room.

What is "Effect on Others?"


THIS is what the process of Indirect Characterization helps a reader to be able to do.

What is "make a prediction"/"Predict a character's actions/behavior?"

If one character comments on another (E.g., Malfoy calls Hermione a "mudblood" in the Harry Potter series), what kind of characterization is this?

What is Indirect Characterization (because we are learning something about a character that is not being told to us straight from the author's mouth)?



What is a round character? (We see his strengths and weaknesses, he seems like real person and not like a stereotype).


Donald Duck from Potatoland 

What is Dynamic? (He changes his opinion about Potatoland for Goofy) 

In Fish Cheeks, when Amy prays for...(What did she pray for + Part of Characterization) 

What is a blond haired boy/new American Nose + Thoughts?


If a character is flat, static, and doesn't add that much to the story, then you would likely call them THIS kind of character, similar to a musical key, or legal term for "person underage."

What is a MINOR character?