Things You Need to Know
Challenges (or your role as a peacekeeper)
Change Management
Mixed Bag
Communication Skills

This injury can result from the inability to care for patients the way the nurse knows is possible, or could be possible, with appropriate anticipation and preparation of resources. Can also result from conflicts between your own needs for safety and the patients need to care.

What is Moral Injury or Moral Distress?


Post traumatic experience or ongoing stress can trigger this response.

What is the "fight or flight" response?

Will accept what is the Amygdala Hijack?


This is inevitable in Health Care yet almost two-thirds of all implementation projects fail. 

What is change?


This important ability for conflict management will prevent you from getting sucked in and becoming part of the problem.

What is staying calm?

Will accept listening attentively, being proactive.


It is not just what you say, it's how you say it.

What is body language?


Understanding how these scores affect reimbursement and knowing how to affect change needed to improve scores is just one way to help OMC's reputation and funding received from Medicare and Medicaid.

What are the HCAHPS scores?  

Will accept What is the patient survey? 


This technique for de-escalation includes saying hello to the patient, providing your first name to the patient and asking the patient What is your name

What is lead with respect?

Will accept What is Demonstrating that you are not a threat? -  if the question includes the 15-degree stance.


If your team is 'vague' on your highest priorities and/or you have not noticed any measurable movement (improvement) toward key goals, you might by guilty of this.

What are some indicators that you might have taken your eye off of the ball?


Accepting one's fair share of the workload, respecting the privacy of others, looking co-workers in the eye when having a conversation, and not speaking negatively of your superiors are some examples of this.

What is Expected Professional Behavior?


The better you get at this (understanding and acknowledging employees' feelings/experiences) the more heard and valued they will feel.

What is EI (emotional intelligence)?


Linking provider payments to improved performance by health care providers. This form of payment holds health care providers accountable for both the cost and quality of care they provide.

What is the Value Based Payment (VBP) system?


This short time period is crucial to de-escalation!

What is the first 5 seconds of conflict rule?


Unfreezing, Moving and Refreezing 

What is (Lewins) Theory of planned change? 

Will accept What is theory of planned change?


Recognition of individual achievements.

Showing gratitude with a simple thank you.

Establishing trust and providing opportunities for autonomy are all examples of these.

What are Motivational Tactics you can use to help motivate or inspire your team. 


"Tell me more" "Explain what you mean"

What is the ability to ask open ended questions?


Effective teamwork, conflict management, just in time coaching, being an agent of change, contributing to staff performance evaluations are some examples of which role/function expected from the charge nurse.

What is People management?


Is an act or threat of violence that ranges from verbal abuse to physical assault at the workplace or against persons in charge, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Has the potential to turn violent while obtaining medical services.

What is Client or Patient involved in violence in the workplace?


Getting prepared, understanding why the change is necessary, letting your team know a change is coming and beginning to prepare them while being transparent with the reason for the change, (regulatory/evidenced based) are all important steps you can take as a leader to accomplish this.

What is being an agent of change?

Will accept- What is Executing activities supporting the nursing division OR What is being a Front-line driver to process improvement implementation


This group is motivated by competitiveness and work-borne pride. Acknowledgement of their work and loyalty is key.

What is a Baby Boomer?


Being clear about your expectations. 

What is clarity and/or speaking in specifics

Will accept-what is communication with SBAR.


Being a front-line driver to process improvement implementation and maintaining compliance with regulatory industry agencies is part of this role.

What is the Charge Nurses role under Quality Management? 


Examples of this include nurse to nurse aggression, abuse of an employee via means including physical, verbal and/or emotional means. Anecdotally described as "nurses eat their young"

What is Lateral Violence in Nursing?

Will accept examples of bad behaviors - bullying, intimidation, gossiping...


Incivility, bullying, nurse burnout and 

staff retention are examples facing nursing leadership 

in today's environment.

What are some of the current challenges in the nursing environment for leaders?


These employees will be key to your success as a leader. These employees improve productivity and efficiency and are engaged in the workplace.

What is a motivated employee?


Speaking openly about the organization's goals, opportunities and challenges.

What is Transparency?