What is the phonetic ALPHAbet?
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf
Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar
Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor
Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
I go up but never come down.
What is the only food that never goes bad?
Name three parts on a car?
Whose face appears on the fifty-dollar bill?
Ulysses S. Grant
What does HUA stand for?
Heard, understood, Acknowledged
I have a head and a tail but now arms or legs.
A coin
What is known to be the most stolen food in the globe?
What does SUV stand for?
Sport utility vehicle
In waht state was the Declaration of Independence signed?
How many U.S. presidents served in the Army?
I get sharper the more I am used.
A brain.
Where do french fries orginate?
Which car brand uses the slogan "The Power of Dreams"?
Who is the 44th president?
Barack Obama
Which U.S President won the medal of honor during his military service during a time of war?
T. Roosevelt
I can be as large as an elephant but weigh nothing.
A shadow
Mozzarella cheese is traditionally made from the milk of what animal?
Water Buffalo.
What is the worlds best selling car?
Tesla Model Y, used to be the Toyota Corolla before 2023
Which president was the most accomplished wrestler?
Military vets make up what percent of the U.S. work force?
You see me once in a year, twice in a week, but never in a day.
the letter 'e'
If you have Magierocophobia what are you afraid of?
Which state has the most registered motorcycle riders?
What year did Apple Computer introduce the first iPod?