This bird, the largest of the kingfisher family, is known for it's distinctive cry.
The Kookaburra
You move to a deserted island and decorate it to make the animal villagers happy and hopefully increase tourism.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
There are 9 holds in Skyrim, this is the westernmost one.
This dog is recognized as the tallest breed.
Irish Wolfhound
This god doesn't have a confirmed name as it is believed to have been an omen of bad luck, instead he is named for the realm he presides over.
This bird holds the record for longest wingspan at over 12 ft.
Albatross (Snowy)
You are crash landed on an alien ocean planet and have to survive the wildlife and disease inhabiting the planet in order to escape.
This pickaxe, which is a nod towards the creator of minecraft, can be found at the top of the Throat of the World. Its visually no different than a normal pickaxe however it has a unique enchantment.
The Notched Pickaxe
This dog breed is unable to bark due to the shape of its larynx.
As a punishment for giving humans fire this titan was tied to a rock to have an eagle eat his liver everyday which would grow back as he was immortal. He was eventually freed by Heracles.
This bird will lay it's eggs in another birds nest, making the other bird raise it's young.
You play as the ferryman, fulfilling your friend's last wishes and escorting them to the afterlife.
When you interact with a shrine of one of the 9 divines they give you a temporary buff related to that god. This divines shrine is bugged and even though the menu will say you have the buff it does nothing.
There are plenty of hairless dog breeds like the American Hairless Terrier and the Xoloitzcuintli from Mexico. This hairless dog from Asia still has some hair on its head, feet and the tip of it's tail.
Chinese Crested
Zeus has plenty of children, but these are the 2 he actually gave birth to himself.
Dionysus and Athena
This bird is one of the few bird species to exhibit basic tool usage, using sticks and thorns to impale its prey.
The Shrike
This horror game leaves you, an investigative journalist, trapped in an asylum with the genetically modified patients and mad doctor that were left behind when it closed down.
Each of the 3 buildable houses added with the Hearthfire DLC have a unique feature, Lakeview Manor in Falkreath gives you an apiary, Windstad Manor in Hjaalmarch give you a fish hatchery, and Heljarchen Hall in the Pale gives you this.
A Grain Mill
The Shiba Inu is very well known due to the doge meme that became popular in the early 2010's, however this larger breed of the Inu family is just as cute and make great guard dogs.
Akita Inu
This daughter of the sun god Helios is known for turning the men who arrive at her island into pigs.
To attract a mate this bird builds structures out of sticks and decorates the outside with things it deems pretty, usually blue things.
You play as the hero who saved the world but has since lost your memory. You must rebuild your town, make friends, and figure out what caused your amnesia.
During a daedra's best friend only the Masque of Clavicus Vile is considered a daedric artifact, so if Barbas is slain to obtain the Rueful Axe this achievement becomes impossible to complete. A subtle punishment for making the obviously wrong choice.
Oblivion Walker
This dog breed has taken home the most best in show titles at Westminster at 15 times.
Wire Fox Terrier
Hermes gained this epithet when he slayed the 100 eyed monster Argus who was guarding Io whom Zeus had turned into a cow.