Chapters 11 & 12
Chapters 13 & 14
Chapters 15 & 16
Chapters 17 & 18
Chapters 19 - 21
What were the first words Charlotte wrote in her web about Wilbur?
"Some Pig"
Name one of the words that Templeton suggested for Charlotte's Web.
Crunchy, Pre-shrunk
Why did Charlotte feel she should not go to the fair with Wilbur?
She was going to make an egg sac.
Who is Uncle?
The pig in the next pen at the county fair that is enormous.
What did Charlotte make for herself?
An egg sac.
Why does Templeton agree to save Wilbur's life?
The old sheep told him he would starve if he wasn't getting food from Wilbur.
Name one thing that Lurvy had to do to change Wilbur's pig pen.
Clean, bright straw every day for bedding; build a new crate; paint the new crate green with gold letters that say "Zuckerman's Famous Pig"
What was Charlotte worried about before the fair?
She knew she could not help Wilbur much longer.
True or False: Fern and Avery got the same amount of money to spend at the fair.
What special prize did Mr. Zuckerman receive in honor of Wilbur?
$25, bronze medal engraved
Why did Charlotte have a meeting with all of the animals?
She had a meeting to think of new words to write in the web.
Why does Mrs. Arable visit Dr. Dorian?
She is worried about Fern talking to the animals.
What was Wilbur worried about before the fair?
He was worried about Charlotte not going to the fair with him.
What happened at the fair that made both Fern and her mother happy?
Henry Fussy riding the Ferris Wheel with Fern.
How did Templeton help Wilbur (Ch. 20 - The House of Triumph)?
He bit Wilbur's tail as hard as he could and the pain got him up.
Why did Fern like the barn better before the "miracle" happened?
She liked having the animals to herself. There were too many people now.
What does Dr. Dorian tell Mrs. Arable about Fern?
He said that she is fine; children change from year to year and as long as she is healthy everything is okay.
Why do Charlotte and Templeton decide to go to the fair?
He may need her to write in her web. Templeton wants to eat and Charlotte may need to run errands and do general work.
What clues did the author use to let the reader know that Charlotte is not herself?
"Last word I shall ever write;" "writing for the last time;" she wouldn't sing Wilbur a song because she was tired
Why did Wilbur get Templeton to take down Charlotte's egg sac?
Wilbur wanted to take it back to the farm to raise the baby spiders.
Who was the only person who thought the spider might be more extraordinary than the pig?
Mrs. Zuckerman
What word did Charlotte decide to write in her web?
Why did Wilbur faint before going to the fair?
He heard them say that he would make good bacon and ham and when it is time to kill him.
Why is Wilbur worried at the end of Chapter 17 (Uncle)?
He heard several people make favorable remarks about Uncle's great size. Charlotte is not feeling well.
How does Wilbur get Templeton to help him take down the egg sac?
Wilbur tells Templeton he can eat from his slop first.