Chantelle's favorite baseball team
What is the L.A. Dodgers?
What is Michael?
This Veneracion Cousin dabbled in magic for a season.
Who is Arnel?
According to Hindu tradition, this weather on your special day is actually considered good luck
What is Rain?
The famous musician and the Bollywood actress would unite in holy matrimony to become known as “Chonas.”
Who is Nick and Priyanka Jonas?
Chantelle's Middle Name
What is Liberty?
Chase's Favorite Football Team
What is the Miami Dolphins?
The order of all the Veneracion Siblings
Who is Aida, Oscar, Romy, Vic, Nimfa, Evelyn, Annie
The busiest wedding day in Vegas.
What is New Years Eve'
This singer married Nick Cannon in 2008.
Who is Mariah Carey?
What is @chillchantelle?
This was Tita Annie's Profession since 1984 until she recently retired.
What is working at the US Postal Service?
This luck-centric culture considers New Year's Eve as the luckiest day to get hitched. That way the couple can welcome the new year as newlyweds.
Who are The Irish?
Meghan Markle bowed out of this profession to marry into British royalty.
What is acting?
This is Chase's website domain and his artist mantra.
What is Chase Your Vision?
During a Cousin's Christmas Celebration, one cousin came dressed up as a scandalous reindeer.
Who is Kuya Eugune?
This is the reason why the engagement and wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand.
What is because it was once thought that a vein in that finger led directly to the heart?
In this hilarious wedding comedy movie, this couple has to battle through familial pressure due to markedly different cultural backgrounds & overbearing family quirkiness.
What is my Big Fat Greek Wedding?
This classic Wedding Rhyme Saying is meant to keep the couple connected with their roots and forefathers. It is the embodiment of love, purity, and fidelity.
What is Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue?
This wedding-themed movie featured an epic bridal aisle walk complete with lush greenery and over-the-top floral arrangements. In the movie, the wedding is supposed to cost a whopping $40 million.
What is Crazy Rich Asians?