Social Skills 1
Coping Skills
Social Skills 2
Social Skills 3

You accidentally get hit by a basketball in gym, what do you do?

It was an accident, tell them that it is okay, accident happen.


What can you do if your friend is feeling sad?

You can listen to them, offer support, try to cheer them up


Would it be appropriate to tell your whole class about a problem at home?

No.  If you have something on your mind about home, find some time to talk to a trusted adult at school or home about your problem.  


You keep trying to do a math problem and feel frustrated because it isn't correct.

Take a break and try again, take deep breaths, raise your hand and ask for help.


You don't understand the work you are supposed to do.  Who can you ask for help?

Teacher, Parent, Friend


What might you feel if someone you are trying to talk to is ignoring you?

Sad, confused, or upset


What can you do if your friend is mad at you for something you did to them?

Apologize, say sorry


What can you do if your teacher tells you to correct your work but it makes you feel sad or angry that you did it wrong?

Ask if you can take a break/drink of water, take deep breaths, then tell yourself you can make the corrections. Accept the criticism that was given to you.  


True or False.  When someone says you did something wrong they are being mean.

False- most of the time when someone tells you that you have done something wrong they are only trying to help you.  


Your friend is moving away and you feel really sad. What can you do?

You can make a plan to stay in contact over the phone and plan visits.


How might you feel if your best friend is talking about the things that her mom just bought her.  



People are picking on your friend at lunch because his pants are too short. What should you do?

Stand up for your friend by telling an adult, play with your friend.


What can you do if you are feeling frustrated?

Talk to your parents, therapist, teacher. Use one of your coping skills.


Why is it important to stay on topic during a conversation?

 shows you are interested


You are sitting on the bench at recess and a friend asks you to play basketball but you don't feel like playing basketball. What can you do?

You can say, no thanks, I don't really feel like playing basketball. Then you can ask them if they want to do something else such as draw or play tetherball.


How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?



What can you do if you are stuck inside during COVID 19 and you are feeling sad and isolated from friends?

Ask to video chat with friends, ask to meet a friend outside, call a friend, play video games online with friends


A friend has said something that hurts your feelings. What can you do?

Tell them how you feel with a nice voice and explain why. Avoid yelling at them.


Sometimes we can have sad feelings. What should you do when you feel sad at school? 

Ask to take a break, give yourself lot of positive self talk, talk to an adult at school 


A peer asks you to do something you know is inappropriate during class, what do you do?

You can say no thanks or explain that you would like to focus


True or False- you should never be angry

False.  It is ok to feel any feeling you feel.  But how you express those feelings has to be appropriate


You are having a hard time in the hallway. Staff are prompting you to follow directions but you are not listening. What is something you can do to help calm yourself down to get back on track?

Take deep breaths.  Lay down somewhere. Talk with staff about how you are feeling. 


What is the best way to deal with a student in your class that won't stop talking to you.

Let the student know you can't talk now, as you are trying to listen to the teacher.  Ask them if they could talk more during lunch


What is bullying?

It can look like a lot of different things but it's when one person is trying to intimidate another person.

Physical: pushing, pinching, etc.

Threatening: "If you tell the teacher, I'm going to ..."

Verbal: use of mean or rude words


My brother is making me angry and I got into trouble, what can I do to feel better?

Take a break in my room, talk to mom about how I am feeling, take deep breaths, play with my favorite toy, etc.