General Information #1
General Information #2
General Information #3
General Information #4

What on-campus service provides free tutoring and academic support for students?

A) Academic Support Center; B) Athletics Dept 

C) Testing

A) Academic Support Center 

College is primarily about learning and gaining knowledge. Tutoring can help you excel in your coursework, earn better grades, and make the most of your educational opportunities.


This on-campus service offers medical care, counseling, and mental health support to students.

A) Clubs & Organizations; B) Career Services; C) Counseling Center

C) Counseling Center

Students who are grappling with anxiety, depression or other mental stressors may contact the college's mental health counselor. This service is free and confidential. 


Carries all of your textbooks, supplies and apparel needs.

A) Student Success Center; B) Campus Bookstores; C) Financial Aid

B) Campus Bookstores


This office gives access to various state and national tests and proctoring services.

A) Testing Office; B) Disability Services; C) Admissions & Records 

A) Testing Office


This office on campus helps students find internships, co-op opportunities, and prepare for their future careers.

A) Career Services; B) Admissions; C) Financial Aid

A) Career Services

Career Service's mission is to deliver comprehensive professional career-related services to students, alumni, employers, faculty, and staff. Career Services is here to assist with the transition from college to career.


This department is committed to helping students with disabilities reach their personal and academic goals. 

A) Student Advising; B) Disability Services; C) Counseling Center

B) Disability Services

They ensure equal access in the classroom and throughout the college campus, determine accommodations that are appropriate and consistent with medical documentation, and teach self-advocacy. 


This is where you learn how to apply and enroll into college. 

A) Admissions & Records; B) Student Advising; C) Student Success Center

A) Admissions & Records

Whether you are about to graduate from high school or have been working for many years, enrollment specialists will guide you through the admissions process.


This is where officers are on duty at night, after class hours and on weekends all for the safety of students, employees and guests.

A) Academic Success; B) Police Services; C) Financial Aid

B) Police Services

This department proactively works to keep the College a safe, secure, and healthy environment.


What is the department that provides financial aid to eligible college students to help cover tuition and expenses? 

A) Student government; B) Clubs & Organizations; C) Financial Aid

C) Financial Aid

Financial aid counselors can help you find ways to pay for college and apply for aid. Many types of financial aid are offered, including federal, state and private.


This office or center on campus is dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness. 

A) Office of Diversity & Inclusion; B) Student Services; C) Clubs & Organizations

A) Office of Diversity and Inclusion


In this area, students can take classes for personal and professional growth. 

A) Academic Success Center; B) Continuing Education; C) Testing Center

B) Continuing Education

Continuing Education provides tailored education and training to help you advance your technical and professional skills. 


These are a group of students who serve as official goodwill representatives of the College.

A) Athletes; B) Ambassadors; C) Tutors

B) Ambassadors


What term refers to student-led clubs and groups that cover a wide range of interests and activities on campus?

A) Police Dept; B) Clubs & Organizations; C) Counseling 

B) Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and organizations are open to all students. These include honors and leadership organizations, academic-related organizations, and special interest groups (political, religious, etc.).


 This department helps students plan their course schedules and ensure they are on track to graduate.

A) Financial Aid; B) Admissions & Records; C) Student Advising

C) Student Advising

Professional Academic Advisors will help you to achieve your educational goals and plan your academic path.  


This program allows high school students—usually sophomores, juniors, and seniors—to enroll in college courses for credit before graduating from high school.

A) Early Childhood Education; B) Dual Enrollment; C) Student Ambassadors  

B) Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment is a convenient and cost-effective way for high school students to transition into college.


This department assess & collect student tuition, fees and other college-related revenue, distributes student refunds, financial aid, college payroll, and vendor and travel checks.

A) Cashiers Office; B) Financial Aid; C) Dining Area 

A) Cashiers Office


What is the building on campus where you can usually find books, journals, and research materials? 

A) Academic Support Center; B) Library; C) Testing Center

B) Library

The Library meets the information needs of students and faculty by providing inviting spaces to access relevant collections and share information. Services are designed to promote information literacy, student success and lifelong learning.


This office can help you with resume writing, interview preparation, and finding internship opportunities. 

A) Academic Support; B) Career Services; C) Athletic Department 

B) Career Services


During this activity, new students have the opportunity to meet our staff and student leaders and learn about the many student support services. 

A) New Student Orientation; B) Student Development; C) Academic Success Center

A) New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation equips students with the tools they need to walk the path towards student success.

The place where students, faculty, and staff can grab a bite to eat on campus. 

A) Cafeteria; B) Gymnasium; C) Student Lounge

A) Cafeteria