Defining Emotions
Cultural Competency
Common Disorders
Mental Health

3 emotion words that are similar to the word angry

frustrated, furious, annoyed, hostile, bitter, critical, etc. 

Can you tell the difference when you are feeling it?


Specific populations have experienced suffering from wars, genocide, slavery and persecution for centuries. These emotional and behavioral reactions could ripple through the generations of families and is referred to as ______.

What is intergenerational trauma?


It is impossible to prevent a mental health condition.

False - prevention focuses on addressing known risk factors, such as exposure to trauma.


Characterized by excessive fear and worry



Consequences of Being Bullied.

Victims of bullying also can begin to develop mental health issues if bullying is not addressed right away. For instance, some bullying victims experience anxiety and depression. Some even develop eating disorders, sleep disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Riding the emotional wave is important because...

it helps us notice how emotions feel in our body and mind, it helps us not react to emotions, it helps us get familiar with our emotions


Because of the effects of historical trauma and current injustices, the suicide rate is 2.5 times higher than any other demographic groups. Death by suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth between the ages of 10 - 24 years old for this demographic group.

What are Native Americans?


It is impossible to recover from a mental health condition.

False - recovery refers to the process in which people can live, work, and participate fully in their communities.


Characterized by feeling sad, irritable, and empty. Having a loss of pleasure or interest in activities.



What are some barriers that you believe may hinder our ability to guide an individual towards acceptance of their current emotional & circumstantial well-being?

Time constraints of the chat


Is the chatter ready?

Acceptance on a personal level often highlights an individual’s authentic desire to move forward constructively 

Addiction to substances/behaviors


Specifically identifying what emotion we are feeling is important because

The more specific we can get, the easier it is to communicate to others what we need. It makes it easier to cope when we know exactly how we feel.


An individual with ______ may have a difficult time being able to identify and name their emotions in a crisis chat. It can be challenging for them in a crisis to verbalize or express what they are intending to say to a Specialist. An example in conversation could include a contact saying they “feel bad” without being able to name an emotion such as sadness.

What is Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDDs)?


Young children can show early warning signs of mental health concerns.

True - roughly 50% of all mental health disorders display first signs before a person turns 15 years old.


Characterized by experiencing alternating depressive episodes with periods of manic symptoms

Bipolar Disorder


At the core of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy lies the Six Core Psychological Flexibility Processes.



Alignment with the present moment

Contextualized self


Committed action


Empathy and sympathy are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings

Sympathy is about me.

Empathy is about you. Empathy has nothing to do with how you feel; it's about understanding how the other feels given their circumstance.


The ______ model integrates the biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding the complexity and multifaceted nature of eating disorders during crisis chats or calls.

What is the biopsychosocial model?


Every child with a diagnosable mental health condition receives the treatment they need.

False, only roughly half do.


Characterized by having an exposure to an extremely threatening or horrific event, then re-experiencing those events and avoiding thoughts and memories of the event or activities/situations/people reminiscent of the event.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Cognitive Defusion helps people distinguish between their present thoughts and their overall identities.

Strong emotions can overwhelm us and create false self-narratives, eventually leading to spiraling thoughts which solidify over time


People struggle with naming emotions

Lack of vocabulary blocks people from being able to fully experience and share feelings with others

Preventing connection


35.1% of Hispanic/Latinx/e adults with mental illness receive treatment each year compared to the U.S. average of 46.2%. What are their 3 major barriers to health care?

What is Poverty/lack of insurance, language barriers, and the availability of culturally competent providers?


People with severe mental illnesses are over 10x more likely to commit a violent crime.

False - those with severe mental illnesses are actually 10x more likely to be the VICTIM of a violent crime.


Characterized by significant impairments in perception and changes in behavior, such as delusions, disorganized thinking, or extreme agitation.



Define Bullying.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.