This person is known as the "father of public health."
Who is John Snow?
This vaccine is used to prevent the spread of measles.
What is the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella)?
The addictive chemical in a cigarette.
What is nicotine?
The Chicago team that won the World Series in 2016.
Who are the Chicago Cubs?
Labmate(s) who have origins in India.
Who are Moin and Shariwa?
What is an epidemic?
This occurs when a large portion of the population is protected from an illness and it becomes difficult for infectious diseases to spread.
What is herd immunity?
Smoking rates began to decline in 1964 after the U.S. Surgeon General announced this discovery.
What is evidence that smoking causes cancer?
The event that gave Chicago its nickname "The Second City."
What is the Great Chicago Fire of 1871?
The labmates who grew up in the same town and attended rival high schools.
Who are Daryn and Marcia?
These two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease were first identified in The Framingham Heart Study, a longitudinal cohort study, that began in 1948.
What is high blood pressure and high cholesterol?
The vaccine was invented by Dr. Jonas Salk in 1955 for this disease, which was later eradicated in the Americas in 1994.
What is polio?
The approximate percentage of high school students who reported current use of e-cigarettes in 2020.
What is 20%?
The major street downtown formerly known as Congress Parkway was renamed for this civil rights activist and investigative journalist.
Who is Ida B. Wells?
The number of labmates with or earning a degree in Psychology.
What is 4?
What is the ebola virus?
The only vaccines that can prevent cancers.
What are the HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines?
The medication bupropion, which has been found to be an effective treatment for smoking cessation, is this type of antidepressant.
What is an atypical antidepressant or norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI)?
The number of community areas recognized by the City of Chicago.
What is 77?
The number of labmates who were born and raised in Chicago.
What is 0?
Although there is no cure for HIV, development of this treatment over the past several decades have allowed people with the virus to live into older age.
What is Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)?
The reason Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines need to be stored at different temperatures.
What is differing mRNA molecules or lipid delivery systems?
The 2009 legislation giving the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate tobacco products.
What is the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act?
One of the native tribes who originally inhabited the Chicago region.
Who is (Potawatomi, Odawa, Sauk, Ojibwe, Illinois, Kickapoo (Kiikaapoi), Miami (Myaamia), Mascouten, Wea, Delaware, Winnebago, Menominee, and Mesquakie)?
Labmate who owes us all eggs from the chickens they are raising.
Who is Moin?