Soccer and lacrosse
What was the first college mark for recruited for? (Hint Keith told him he wouldn’t get in)
What was the location the Mark proposed in?
What is marks favorite hockey team?
How many giants games has mark gone to this year?
What is Marks birthday? (Month, date, and year)
December 2, 1994
What is the name for the move that Mark would do at the bar so that he didn’t have to hold his coat?
Chauncey tuck
What career is Mark in?
Commercial real estate
What is marks favorite candy?
Sour patch watermelon
Who is marks favorite golfer?
Rickey Fowler
Where was Mark born (hospital)?
On a drunken night out, mark tripped over this object and sprained his ankle. What is the object?
Speed bump
What person does the nickname Chauncey come from?
Chauncey Billups
When interviewed after a high school lacrosse game, mark said his favorite sport was ________.
What team did mark score his only goal against in college lax (in preseason lol)
Enduring his one year tenure, what position did mark play at UVM lacrosse?
Idk, mark?
Patrick Elliash
True Detective, season 1
What are the TWO reasons mark roots for Texas?
1. Both parents were from canada
2. The Johnsons rooted for Texas
When interviewed for a magazine, Keith commented on all his children, saying Katherine has swimming, Derek plays hockey, and mark has _______.
When did mark officially graduate? (Month)
What is the company name of Marks new job?
Vanguard Renewables
Call of duty tournaments
Nooooo idea- mark?