This many souls came with Yaakov to Mitzrayim.
If a sukkah is on top of another sukkah, the bottom sukkah is this.
She is the mother of Moshe and also named Shifra.
A person must have this when hearing the shofar to fulfill the mitzvah.
Kavanah (awareness)
According to the Rambam, when a person does one mitzvah, they do this.
Tip the world towards salvation (save the world.)
This is how many children Bnei Yisrael had at once in Mitzrayim.
If a sukkah has more shade than sun, it is this.
Bnei Yisrael kept these with them in Mitzrayim.
It helps us not benefit from the light of the Channukah candles and also inspires us to be helpers.
Done on Sukkot, this is an example of a mitzvah that is not written explicitly in the Torah.
Taking the willow (beating the arava on the ground).
This is how many seah are in a mikveh.
These are the two interpretations of the phrase, Bnei Yisrael was worked b'pharech.
1. Mepharechet: It crumbled their bodies
2. B'pheh Rach: In a gentle tongue.
This animal's horn cannot be used as a shofar.
Beginning in darkness and growing towards light, the Jewish people are compared to this celestial body, which, when "new", begins the new month.
The moon.
A sukkah cannot be taller than this many amot.
This blessing is made the first time you bless the lulav or light channukah candles.
Bnei Yisrael were surrounded by these in the desert, and the holiday of Sukkot celebrates them.
Clouds of Glory.
Tashlich is best done by this.
A body of water with fish.
The flood, the desert, and the mikveh all revolve around the number 40, which symbolizes this.
Transformation and renewal.
This is how many lights Shammai lights on the 5th night.
A person must eat this amount of bread to make a kosher leshev bsukkah bracha.
Kzayit (olive-size)
This is the explanation that Rashi gives for how the new king of Egypt could "not know" Yosef.
He pretended to not know.
Yom Kippur forgives these types of sins, without the need to consult another person.
Between a person and G-d. Bein Adam lMakom.
Hillel's perspective of how to light the candles, lighting one more each night, represents this idea.
Going up in holiness and doing good.