Finish the sentence: Practice makes _____________
What is perfect?
Small, has the strings GDAE
What is a violin?
Gradually gets softer
What is decrecendo?
Something used to hold and carry an instrument
What is a case?
This composer created "Fall River Road"
Who is Deborah Baker Monday?
This person said this quote: "If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit."
Who is Michael Jordan?
Often plays with orchestras, can be considered in the string *and* percussion family.
What is piano?
What is arco?
Something that is used to keep your instrument in tune
What is a tuner?
This composer created "Burst!"
Who is Brian Balmages?
Finish the sentence: When you are part of an orchestra, you are part of a ______
What is team?
Large, has the strings EADG
What is a double bass?
Process of creating music
What is composition?
Something that you put on a bow
What is rosin?
Finish this composer's name: Ludwig Van _____________
Who is Beethoven?
The only way to improve when doing anything
What is practicing?
Often has the same part as the second violins.
What is a viola?
Two or more notes that are played in the same bow stroke
What is a slur?
An object used to stop large instruments from sliding
What is a rockstop?
This piece is what "Jupiter Rising" is based off of
What is "The Planets"
The best way to make life-long friends
What is play an instrument?
A famous performer who plays this instrument is Yo-yo Ma.
What is a cello?
Two strings played at the same time
What are double stops?
A person that stands in front and leads the orchestra
What is a conductor?
This composer created songs for The Nutcracker and Swan Lake.
Who is Tchaikovsky?