1920's and 1930's
1950's 1960's & Quebec
Cold War and Korean War
Was a terrorist group that claimed responsibility of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary
What is "The Blackhand"?
This occurred on October 29th, 1929, and please use the correct term...
What is "Black Tuesday"
An international peacekeeping body set up by the Treaty of Versailles
What is the League of Nations
When was this document signed and who patriated it
What is April 17th, 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau
In what year did the Soviets explode their first atomic bomb?
What is 1949
To be considered an ace like Billy Bishop you had to shoot down __________ enemy planes.
What is Five?
This person demanded that Canada be represented as separate nation (initially opposed by Great Britian and USA)
What is PM Robert Borden
“A policy aimed to prevent aggressors from starting wars by finding out what they want and agreeing to demands that seem reasonable.”
What is Appeasement
This person created bi-culturalism and bi-lingualism
Who is Lester B. Peason
Who made up the "Grand Alliance"?
What is Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union
This country had the largest military in WWI
What is Russia
In 1927, these courageous Canadian women challenged the existing status of women, which are are now part of the historic landscape of Canada.
Who are "the Famous Five," Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards
An agreement in 1939 between Germany and the Soviet Union led to the invasion of this country
What is Poland
What is the name of the Egyptian army colonel that overthrew the government to become President of Egypt?
What is Gamal Nassar
How was the Cold War fought?
What is through propaganda, espionage, and political and economic pressures.
These were the major things that caused WWI
What is Imperialism, Militarism, Nationalism, The Alliance System
Outline the causes of "The Great Depression" and explain what they mean.
What is high tariffs, too much credit, the dust bowl
This term describes Government establishes complete control of all aspects of the state?(political, military, economy, social, cultural)?, Highly nationalistic (flags, salutes, rallies, uniforms)? and strict controls and laws
What is Totalitarianism
The Canadian Flag was revealed during this year:
What is 1964
What was the name of the man who was a clerk in Ottawa's Soviet embassy who defected to the West?
Who is Igor Gouzenko
This plan was developed to avoid war on two fronts
What is The Schlieffen Plan
This time period was not a happy time for this type of population. Name the population, what were they made to attend and name the documentary we watched that showed the treatment of these schools.
What is First Nation, residential schools, and "We Were Children"
These theories, are completely different theories that are bitterly opposed; however they exhibit the same behaviour
What is Communism and Fascism
All businesses in Quebec will operate in French, students will be taught in French, restaurants will serve in French, etc.
What is Bill 101
During which years did the Korean War take place, and what was the name of the leader of North Korea at this time?
What is 1950-1953, Kim Il Sung