1920's and 1930's
1950's 1960's & Quebec
Cold War and Korean War

This is the primary type of warfare used in WWI.

What is trench warfare?


This was a group of people that did not conform to societal norms and dressed stylishly and sported "the Bob".

What are flappers?


An international peacekeeping body set up by the Treaty of Versailles

What is the League of Nations?


When was this document signed and who patriated it?

What is April 17th, 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau?


In what year did the Soviets explode their first atomic bomb?

What is 1949?


To be considered an ace like Billy Bishop you had to shoot down __________ enemy planes.

What is Five?


This is the person that introduced the "New Deal" to end the depression.

Who is PM Bennett?


“A policy aimed to prevent aggressors from starting wars by finding out what they want and agreeing to demands that seem reasonable.”

What is Appeasement?


This person created bi-culturalism and bi-lingualism

Who is Lester B. Peason


Who made up the "Grand Alliance"?

What is Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union?


What is the battle that is said to have "birthed Canada as a nation" and what is the name of the battle at which tanks were first introduced?

What is the Battle of Vimy Ridge and what is the Battle of the Somme?


In 1927, these courageous Canadian women challenged the existing status of women, which are are now part of the historic landscape of Canada.

Who are "the Famous Five," Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards?


An agreement in 1939 between Germany and the Soviet Union led to the invasion of this country

What is Poland?


What is the name of the Egyptian army colonel that overthrew the government to become President of Egypt?

What is Gamal Nassar?


How was the Cold War fought?

What is through propaganda, espionage, and political and economic pressures leading to the policy of mutually assured destruction?


These were the major things that caused WWI and what was the spark?

What are Imperialism, Militarism, Nationalism, The Alliance System and what is the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


These are the names of new formed political parties between the wars and this is what the suggested be done to end the Depression.

What are the Communist party, who wanted to overthrow the government and have everything controlled by the people, the CCF, who wanted the government, run by the working class to control major businesses and to provide services for Canadians, the Social Credit party that wanted to give Canadian adults a monthly allowance of $25 to re-invest in the economy and the Union Nationale that wanted the least amount of interference of the federal government in Quebec's affairs and instead have a state primarily run by the Catholic Church?


This term describes Government establishes complete control of all aspects of the state?(political, military, economy, social, cultural)?, Highly nationalistic (flags, salutes, rallies, uniforms) and strict controls and laws

What is Totalitarianism?


The Canadian Flag was revealed during this year:

What is 1964?


This is what Canada became shortly after the war in terms of its international contribution and influence.

What is a middle power?


This was the name of a camp established to train Canadian soldiers when this man was the Minister of Militia, who poorly armed the troops with this gun

What is Valcartier Camp, who is Sam Hughes and what is the Ross Rifle?


These were established by the Bennett government in 1932 which effectively led to this effort to meet with the Prime Minister that was cut short because of this.

What are relief camps that led to the upset camp workers making their way on the On-to-Ottawa Trek that was cut short due to the Regina Riot, where the RCMP was ordered to shut down the protest?


These theories, are completely different theories that are bitterly opposed; however they exhibit the same behaviour.

What is Communism and Fascism?


All businesses in Quebec will operate in French, students will be taught in French, restaurants will serve in French, etc.

What is Bill 101?


What were some of the "hot wars" that were fought during the Cold War?

What are the Korean War and the Vietnam War?