World War 1
Interwar Years (1920s and 1930s)
World War 2
Post War Era (1950s–1980s)
Pot Purri

Canada fought under this country during World War 1.

What is Great Britain (England or UK)


This nickname for the 1920s references the great economic boom for this decade.

What is the roaring 20s?


The "Miracle Evacuation" happened at the shores of these lovely beaches

What is Dunkirk?


This was was between a frozen country and one that has the "Sun State"

What is the Cold War? 

(Between the USSR and USA)


The Imo and Blanc are foreign boats that made a big impact on this port city during World War 1 

What is Halifax?

I.E. The Halifax explosion


________ is the most significant battle that the Canadians fought in

What is Vimy Ridge?


This event led to the worst economic downturn in history.

What is Black Tuesday? (I will also accept 1929 Stock Market Crash.)


The League of Nations used this style of politics when dealing with Hitler.

What is Appeasement?


This supersonic jet was Canada's solution to protection during the Cold War.

What is the Avro Arrow?


Ms. Scappin has 3 _________ and 1 Dog, she loves her animals dearly.

What are cats?


He was the Prime Minister during the Great War.

Who is Robert Borden?


The government rolled out this idea, targeted specifically at young single men with no children.

What is Relief Camps?


The Final Solution refers to...

What is the death of all Jewish people?


 These replaced the traditional way of recording people for the Inuit peoples.

What are the Inuit Identification Discs?


Pierre Trudeau passed this Act while in Office.

What is the Canada Act?

What is the Official Languages Act?


This was a new invention that the world had never seen before World War I.

What is mustard Gas?


The 1935 election was between these two powerhouse politicians

Who is William Lyon Mackenzie King and R.B. Bennett?


This project was a combined effort of these three countries

What are Great Britain, USA, and Canada?


This peaceful protest took a deadly turn in a provincial park on Indigenous land.

What is the Ipperwash Crisis?


This treaty was signed in Paris, in a great castle of former Kings. With it came the end of World War 1 and the beginning of World War 2.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


This Act was passed during the Great War, it allowed for the government to commit to Total War

What is the War Measures Act?


This event ended the Great Depression all over the world.

What is World War 2?


The Canadian Government did this to prevent spies from gaining sensitive information

What is Intern the Japanese Canadian population?


The creation of this group is to make sure that nothing like World War 2 ever happens again and to hold countries accountable for their crimes.

What is the United Nations?


The creation of the atomic bomb changed warfare forever. It also changed how these two cities looked.

What is Hiroshima and Nagasaki?