Eye contact, attentive body language, and vocal style are examples of this.
What is attending behavior?
Used to tie together multiple elements of clients messages.
What is summarization?
When the counselor highlights the client's successful use of positive coping skills and resiliency to navigate struggles thus far.
What is punctuating client strengths?
Clients are aware that a change in their behavior is needed, but they are not able to do so or they do not want to make the change just yet.
What is contemplation?
Counselors engage in this to maintain holistic wellness for themselves and to prevent burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious trauma.
What is self-care?
Elaborations of attending behaviors such as head nods, body leaning forward, etc.
What are non-verbal behaviors?
Repeating back to the client what you have heard without interpreting.
What is paraphrasing?
___________ questions tend to elicit facts and information while _____________ questions are associated with sequence or process or emotions.
What is "What" and "how"?
Clients are actively and deliberately engaged in changing their overt behavior.
What is action?
According to Rogers, ____________ is entering the world of the client and communicating that we understand the client's world as the client sees it and experiences it.
What is empathy?
This skill is used to give space for reflection and/or not to interfere with the internally processing of the client.
What is silence?
Can be used when you are not sure whether you understand the client's message and you need more elaboration.
What is clarification?
A client smiles as she describes how angry she is with her supervisor. The counselor responds, “You’re smiling as you’re telling me about your anger.” The counselor’s response is an example of a(n):
What is confrontation/developing a discrepancy?
Client has continued to engage in the new behavior for more than six months and have realized the early benefits of change.
What is maintenance?
A warm acceptance of all aspects of the client and valuing them just as they are.
What is unconditional positive regard?
Subtle, nonverbal, and short verbal actions which encourage the client to express themselves more fully.
What is a minimal encourager and/or door opener?
Counselor to client: "You feel worried about having to take care of all the responsibilities now."
What is a reflection of feeling?
Counselor says to client: “When I asked that question, you looked down and started squirming in your seat. You are feeling uncomfortable with the question.”
What is attending to non-verbal behavior?/What is immediacy?
Client is unaware of/or are oblivious to a need to change their behavior, is unaware or do not fully comprehend the need to change, or simply do not intend to change their behavior in the near future.
What is precontemplation?
Within the confines of the counseling relationship, the counselor is freely and deeply themselves.
What is genuineness?
What is all counseling practice grounded in?
What is ethical and multicultural competence?
When the counselor shares their own personal views or experience with the client with the purpose of improving the client's emotional or mental state.
What is self-disclosure?
Counselor says: "I am noticing a bit of tension between us at the moment. Let's explore this further."
What is immediacy?
Client has made a decision to change their behavior in the near future. They may be taking small steps toward the behavior change because they believe changing their behavior can lead to a healthier life.
What is preparation?
These six professional values provide a conceptual basis for the ACA Code of Ethics. These principles are the foundation for ethical behavior and decision making. They are the fundamental principles of professional ethical behavior.
What is autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity.