Saying that you are an anarcho-monarch when people can't even tell if you are sincere or not is an example of this.
What is Meta Irony?
This is the item that ryukahr tried to grab in the intro montage in Super Expert No Skip Episode 10 of SMM.
What is a spring?
This royal structure is characterized by having a mainland area, and then at least 2 tall watchtowers on the left and right of its main area.
What is castle?
You better know this! Capital of Turkmenistan.
What is Ashgabat?
"I love" this appliance.
What is refrigerator?
Fill in the blank of the random siiva meme: The giant enemy _ _ _ _ _ _.
What is spider?
In pokemon Sun and Moon, this is an option when confronted with Tauros in Hau'oli city.
What is "grab it by the horns?"
In the Star Spangled banner, we are the land of the _ _ _ _?
What is free?
What is Prime Meridian?
The website ryukahr uses to get his memes for this series.
What is Reddit?
If the derivitive of
2x2 is 4x,
3x3 is 9x2, and
4x4 is 16x3,
what is the derivitive of 5x5?
What is 25x4?
Grabbing this oval shaped white object is risky, because it may break open if you drop it and get everywhere.
What is egg?
What is Cuba?
The city in Pokemon Black and White left of Nimbasa.
What is Driftveil?
What is extracurricular?
The name of the diet that involves eating food only our ancestors ate. (Hint; what this diet is called is also the prefix for "old.")
What is paleo?
You may grab this object if you need to hold on to it for your life, or to take someone's life away by grabbing it and putting it around their neck.
What is a rope?
This island had a revolution shortly after the French one and was known for having many slaves before the revolution.
What is Haiti?
Who the Indians fought in the French and Indian War.
What is Britain? :)
Ryukahr's RRRR is based off of this series from PewDiePie.
What is Meme Review?
Jreg's Twitter Pronouns
What is Jre/Jrem?
What is a computer mouse?
This is the rhyming name of the Festival Plaza facility that gives you a small amount of EVs and looks likes a Drifblim.
What is Thump Bump Park?
Name either the capital of Honduras, Ethiopia, or Cuba, aka the only ones I know that you may or may not know.
What is Tegucigalpa, Addis Ababa, and/or Habana?
Someone that directs you towards an expert of a subject or medical condition.
What is a referrer?