The after school hangout
The Creek
The best drink sold in the cafeteria
Mr. Flav
Legacy member of cheese club that rhymes with Cleric Crow
Eric Prough
"Oooohgive me an asian faace emoji"
Utah lmao
Kyle Adleberg
Most common game we played on the blacktop
Kick Four Square
A game we created in our Senior Year.
Hat Tag
Sorry can't go, I have...
Chess Club
"Oh shoot, I'm going 115"
Tall lmao
A dodgeball type game we played in P.E.
Doctor Doctor
2 card games the boyz played our junior and senior years
How Kyle Walsh was added to the group
Kyle Adleberg did not like pie (Kyle A. was kicked)
"No way he has double contessa"
Crab lmao
The combination of Jonah, Brian, and Milin.
The minis
The greatest upset during our Senior Year
Arthur Yan becoming president instead of Maddie
First message in the original cheese club group chat
Tim: R we gng go to x-men apocaplsyse?
"Guess what award Milin will get"
"Shortest person to graduate"
Kyle Adleberg
Shoes go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Max amount of money you could spend on Friday at the Creek
2 Dollars
Name of Mr. Bauleke's Dog
Person to come up with the name Cheese Club.
Eric Prough
"So Milin is dreaming about being 3 inches in his mom and his dad being 3 inches in him. He has to chose to either move forward or backwards"
Whose house we going to?