A traditional story and they aren't exactly true
What is a myth
A series of three wars between Rome and Carthage (264-146 B.C.); resulted in the destruction of Carthage and Rome's dominance over the western Mediterranean.
The Punic Wars
A military unit of the ancient Roman army, made up of about 5,000 foot soldiers and a group of soldiers on horseback.
What is a legion?
In ancient Rome, a member of the privileged upper class.
What is a Patrician?
A professional soldier hired by a foreign army
What is a mercenary?
What period of history began after the fall of Rome?
What was the Dark Ages?
d,ffkkldlldld republic
In ancient Rome, a group of three leaders sharing control of the government.
What is a Triumvirate?
Carthaginian military commander who, in the Second Punic War, attempted a surprise attack on Rome, crossing the Alps with a large group of soldiers, horses, and elephants.
Who is Hannibal?
These became a pattern for other governments, even our own constitution and were able to be seen by all the people of Rome.
What are the 12 Tables?
Murder by a sudden attack often for a political reason
What is assassinate
A war between citizens of the same country.
What is a civil war ?
A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180.
What is the Pax Romana
A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting
What is a republic?
The Roman emperor who divided the empire into a West and an East section.
* Bonus * What were the names of the 2 Capitals?
Who was Diocletian?
A political construct usually ruled by an emperor.
What is an Empire
A group of 300 men elected to govern Rome in the Roman Republic.
What is a senate?
Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)
Who was Constantine
A leader who speaks and rules with total power
What is a dictator?
This is the Capital of the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire
What is Constantinople?
Romans built an amazing system of these, some of which are still used today.
What are Roads?
Under the Roman Republic, one of the two magistrates holding supreme civil and military authority. Nominated by the Senate and elected by citizens.
What is a consul?
This Roman General was a member of the First Triumvirate that was assassinated. "Et Tu?"
Who was Julius Caesar
According to legend , Rome was founded by?
Who were Romulus and Remus?
He was the fierce leader of a barbarian tribe that was invading Italy and said to be the cause of the Visogoths migration into the Roman Empire
Who was Attila the Hun