'Today is gonna be the day that I'm gonna throw it back to you' is a line from which Oasis song?
'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'
Neil Armstrong
Who was Head Boy in 2019?
Cole Gibbons
According to the book and movie title, what designer line does the devil wear?
Who was Henry VII's last wife?
Catherine Parr
What decade is the hit single 'Love Shack' by the B-52s from?
The 80s
'Is she a Capulet?'
Romeo Montague
How many fingerprint scanners were installed in the LRC by the time we left sixth form?
A kimono would be worn by a person from where?
What is the hottest chilli in the world?
Carolina Reaper
What hit by Rihanna featured a music video where Rihanna dresses up as a French maid?
'Stretch marks are like my biggest fear of life'
Kim Kardashian
How many female cleaners worked in the school?
Which famous fashion designer was found dead in his London home after committing suicide?
A- Alexander McQueen
A car with the registration letter E comes from where?
Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake turned up to the American Music Awards in 2011 wearing outfits made of what?
'To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens'
Adolph Hitler
In what year did Barton Court become an Academy?
Which fashion fad did 'Flashdance' (1983) make popular?
Leg warmers
On which day are British elections held?
Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' was produced by which music producer?
Quincy Jones
'You're only given one little spark of madness, you mustn't' lose it'
Robin Williams :'(
In what month of 2019 was there a gas leak in the Old House?
Hessian, Valenki and Chukka are all types of what?
Which country invented the term 'Plonk' for wine?