Where are electrons located in an atom
Outside the nucleus
Simplify: 5x-3b+4(5b+2x)
Answer: 13x-17b
What is the name of this Element, come up and write it on the board.
Like the gas that filled the Hindenburg, or Hydrogen fuel, water, fat, DNA, RNA, etc.
Give two examples of a chemical change
Ex: Milk curdling, wood burning, frying an egg, burning oil, composting food scraps, etc.
What is the chemical formula for nitrate with the charge
NO3 1-
What is the chemical formula of this compound: carbon tetrahydride
Where are protons located and what are their charge
Protons are located in the nucleus and have a positive charge
Simplify: 2a+5x-3y-x-2a
Answer: 4x-3y
You have 30 seconds, write things that you know contain this element on the board:
Its in:
Dairy products, bones, muscles, shells, chalk, etc.
Can the chemical properties of the same molecule/compound/element differ between two samples?
No, they generally cannot change, methane will always be combustible given that nothing prevents it from combusting.
What is the chemical name of this compound CaO
What is the prefix for 9 of something
What is the difference between Mass and Volume
Mass is a measurement of how much something weighs, whereas:
Volume is a measurement of how much space something takes up
For Double Jeopardy Which Weighs more 25 lbs. of iron or 25 lbs. of leaves?
Solve for b: (9x2b)/3a = 9x/a
Answer: b=3/2
You have 30 seconds, write things that you know contain this element on the board:
Its in
Old paints, old facial powders, weights, etc.
Can a change in the physical properties of a substance cause a chemical change?
False, as the identity of the substance is not changing no chemical change has occurred.
What is the chemical formula for Sulfate
SO4 2-
What is the suffix for hydrogen
What is the charge of the nucleus and what makes it up.
The charge is positive (from the protons) and it is made of neutrons and protons
Simplify: 3z(4x+6)/3x
Answer: 4z+6z/x
What is the name of this Element, come up and write it on the board.
75% of the air, its also in fertilizers, DNA, RNA, etc.
List two signs of a chemical change
The production of light, heat change, color change (not from dyes), precipitation.
What is the chemical name of this compound: MnS3
Manganese (VI) Sulfide
What is the prefix for 7 of something
What is matter, what is it made up of and what is an atom
Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass and is made up of atoms.
Atoms are invisible particles that cannot normally be divided, that make up matter and are its simplest unit.
Solve for v: 9vc/6b = 2c3x/xb
Answer: v=4
You have 30 seconds, write things that you know contain this element on the board:
Its in:
Old dyes, poison, etc.
What is a precipitate?
A solid (crystal or powder) formed from the combination of two aqueous or liquid solutions.
What is the chemical formula of this compound: Iron (II) Phosphate
How many hydrogens bond with one Arsenic atom, additionally what is the name of this compound
AsH3, arsenic trihydride