Time Management

What is the #1 priority for all TAs while in the laboratory?

Student and TA Safety


Who is responsible for monitoring the time TAs are spending on their duties?

Each TA is responsible for monitoring their own time. Communicate immediately with the Lab Coordinator if grading is taking longer than expected.


What is the name of the document that outlines the workload and the specific duties associated with your role in CHEM 201?

Assignment of Assistantship Duties (AoAD)


Name two items of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that the students must be wearing to enter the laboratory.

Laboratory coat, safety glasses, close-toed shoes, and appropriate clothing (ie. long pants).


What is a good way to record the amount of time you are spending on TA duties AND what should you be recording?

Spreadsheet, booklet, Clockify AND date, time spent, tasks completed.


What should a student do if they miss one of their labs?

Fill up a makeup lab request on D2L as soon as possible.


True or False: Students can drink water in the lab as long as it’s in the cubbies and the water is kept in a closed container.

False; Drinking and eating are strictly forbidden in laboratory spaces.


What are the two categories of absences from campus as a TA?

Medical Leave and non-medical leave.


If you are experiencing bullying, threats or harassment while you are TAing (could be from a student or another TA) who should you report that to?

Lab Coordinator/instructors or Lead TAs depending on the situation


True or False: TAs can leave the students alone in the laboratory to go to the bathroom as long as nothing seems wrong.

False; Students should never be left unsupervised.


During a non-medical leave, whose responsibility is it to identify an appropriate replacement from the TA team to cover during your absence?

Each individual TA, this swap must be communicated/approved by the Lab Coordinator as soon as possible.


True or False: CHEM 201 Lab TAs must be knowledgeable about the materials you will be teaching

True; you should understand and be able to answer any students’ questions.


What is the name of the online system that incidents are reported through?

Online Accident Reporting System (OARS)


True or False: TAs should arrive 5 minutes before their allotted teaching time in the lab.

False: to ensure everything is ready for your session, you should be arriving ~15 minutes early.


What is the chain of commands to voice issues in your TA role?

Hint: There are 3 Steps to escalate a situation

Step 1: Privately bring the issue to the Lead TA, a lab technician, or the lab coordinator. 

Step 2: If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, you can email the course coordinator, the instructor of record, or a member of the chemistry leadership team (Head or Associate Heads). 

Step 3: If the issue is still not solved to your satisfaction, you are encouraged to email the GSA Graduate Labour Union (GLU)