The equation relating the friction factor to the Reynold number, f-0.5 = 4 loge (NRe/√f)-0.4, is known by this equation.
What is the Nikuradse Equation?
The substance that is used in the construction of the cooling tower's outside shell.
What is Pultruded FRP ?
These are used to model the chemical transformation of compounds as they are transported in systems resembling "pipes".
What are Plug Flow Reactors or PFR?
In the first Thor movie, what was Thor's alias?
Who is Donald Blake?
Lowest denomination coin in India.
How much is 50 paise?
This is an equation that may be found in the Newtons law regime. It indicates that the pressure drop that occurs per unit length in a bed is directly proportional to the velocity's second power.
What is BURKE-PLUMMER equation ?
Reciprocal of absorption factor is ______.
What is Stripping Factor?
This set-up is used to study a non-catalytic homogeneous reaction under isothermal condition. The set up consists of a Reactor fitted in a constant temperature water bath.
What is Isothermal batch reactor?
The movie _________ narrates the story of Aman Dhillon, a teenager played by Tiger Shroff, who gains superpowers from a divine tree.
What is the Flying Jatt?
French currency before the Euro was adopted in 2002.
What is the Franc?
It is referred to as the constant flow of an incompressible fluid through a straight conduit with a circular cross-section and rotational symmetry.
What is Poiseuille flow ?
If Stokes-Einstein equation: viscosity and diffusion coefficient, then Nernst-Einstein equation: ____ and diffusion coefficient.
What is equivalent conductivity?
It is a batch reactor equipped with an impeller or other mixing device to provide efficient mixing
What is continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR)?
Thanos from the MCU and Cable from Deadpool 2 were played by this actor.
Who is Josh Brolin?
Currency with the highest value at an exchange rate of 266.81 INR.
What is the Kuwaiti Dinar?
This is a reciprocating pump diagram, which is described as a graph between the pressure head in the cylinder and the distance travelled by the piston from inner dead centre for one complete revolution of the crank.
What is indicator diagram?
At 750°K and 1 atm, the approximate value of Schmidt number for air is
What is 0.1?
It is a typeof fixed bed reactor that features indirect heat exchange and is appropriate for catalytic reactions that produce either endothermic or exothermic heat.
What is Linde isothermal reactor?
This MCU movie was re-released and consequently flopped because its creators thought it was popular because of endless memes.
What is Morbius?
Formerly a British coin valued at 12 pence; today it is the basic monetary unit in Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda.
What is the shilling?
The form of fluidization that occurs when the densities of the fluid and solids are significantly different.
What is aggregative fluidization or boiling fluidization ?
The time period after the critical moisture content during which the drying rate may decrease linearly with time.
What is a falling-rate period?
These are one of the most common reactors used in the chemical industry due to their high conversion rate per catalyst weight compared to other catalytic reactors.
What is a plug bed reactor (PBR)?
This tradition in the MCU started with 2008's Iron Man, and finally ended with Avengers: Endgame.
What is a Stan Lee cameo?
In 2017, the architect Le Corbusier's ground plan for this Indian city was removed from the Swiss 10-Franc bill due to his affinities to fascism.
What is Chandigarh?