Name for AlF3
Aluminum Fluoride
Phosphorus trichloride has how many valence electrons?
26 valence electrons
Is SeF2 polar?
Why are London Dispersion Forces so weak?
Because they only have temporary dipoles
What is the name of NaOH?
Sodium hydroxide
Chemical formula for trinitrogen heptachloride
For POCl3, which atom goes in the middle
Which direction does a dipole point?
To the more electronegative side; to where the electron “wants” to go
What IMF(s) are involved with boron trifluoride?
What is the name of BF3
Boron Trifluoride
Name of I4O9
Tetraiodine nonoxide
What's the molecular geometry of NH3?
Trigonal Pyramidal
Why is GeCl4 not polar? (even though Cl is more EN than Ge?)
Because of symmetry
Which has the highest melting point: Calcium Fluoride, Pure Silver, or Sugar?
Calcium Fluoride (1,418°C), Silver (961.8°C), Sugar (160°C)
Polar substances can dissolve...
Hint : there are 2 options
Polar and ionic substances
Name of Fe2(SO4)3
Iron (III) Sulfate
What does the "line" between two atoms represent in a Lewis structure?
A bond, aka two electrons, two shared valence electrons
What’s the difference between a bond dipole and a molecule dipole?
Bond dipole = electronegativity difference between two atoms determines where the electrons spend more time within that bond only; molecular dipole is the sum of all bond dipoles
What IMF(s) are involved with NH3?
The shape of CCl4 is...
Why do covalent naming include prefixes while ionic naming doesn't?
Because ionic compounds have a ratio of cation to anion that is net neutral; you can infer the charge of ions based on the PT (not same w covalent)
Name 3 molecular geometries that are symmetrical
Any 3: Linear, Trigonal Planar, Tetrahedral, Trigonal Bipyramidal, Octahedral
Name a molecule that is symmetrical but also polar
Why are HBFs stronger than other DDFs?
HBF involves a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly EN atom like O, N, or F, creating a significantly larger partial positive charge on the hydrogen which results in a much stronger electrostatic attraction with the lone pair of electrons on the EN atom in a nearby molecule
Rank these elements in order of increasing electronegativity
Br, Na, Ar, F