Free Energy/Intermolecular Forces
Partitioning Coefficients
Environmental Behaviour

For molecules to exhibit hydrogen bonding, they must contain hydrogen bonded to one of these three elements.

What are fluorine (F), oxygen (O), or nitrogen (N)?


The movement of a pesticide from soil into groundwater can be influenced by this partitioning coefficient.

What is the soil-water partitioning coefficient (Kd)?


This environmental factor affects the likelihood of an organic compound to stay in the hydrosphere as it moves towards the North and South poles.

What is temperature?


This is the reason why larger molecules may not readily dissolve in water even with stronger intermolecular forces.

What is the energy required to form a large cavity in water?


This property can predict a compound's potential to be distributed globally due to atmospheric transport.

What is the air-water partitioning coefficient (Kaw)?


This naturally occurring aquatic component, when elevated, can reduce the bioavailability and toxicity of certain organic pollutants to aquatic organisms by forming non-covalent interactions.

What is dissolved organic carbon (DOC)?


This type of intermolecular force is present in all molecules and atoms.

What is Dispersion?


Despite being nonpolar, certain organic compounds can still be found in significant amounts in the atmosphere due to this physicochemical property.

What is high volatility or low boiling point?


This property of an organic compound increases its susceptibility to experience the salting out effect.

What is hydrophobicity?