***JEOPARDY SHAREOBLAST***You get 500pts and team of choice receives 100pts. Protein building blocks of protein name all five
What is Amino Acids: Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur
***DAILY TRIPLE*** Also called an acid/alkali neutralization reaction, it neutralizes any remaining alkaline residue left by the hydroxide relaxer and helps restore the pH of the hair and scalp
What is Hydroxide neurtalization
An oily cream used as a barrier on the scalp to protect it from chemicals. Aka Protective cream
What is Base cream
***DAILY DOUBLE*** This measures the alkalinity or acidity is a product and ranges in scale from 0 to 14.
What is pH scale
***JEOPARDY STEAL***Take 500 pts. from 1st place team or 300pts from 2nd place team if you are 1st place. Name and describe the 3 parts of the hair shaft
What is Cuticle = outside protective layer Cortex = soft elastic, thick inner layer. Responsible for strength and elasticity. It also contains melanin. Medula = deepest layer. Known to have no true effect on the hair. Absent in some hair
***SHARE THE SWEET LOVE JEOPARDY***You and team of choice receives candy if correct. Side bond easily broken by a change in pH and reformed when pH balance is restored
What are Salt bonds
***DAILY TRIPLE*** Relaxers with a high alkaline content and are available in varying formulations
What are Hydroxide relaxers
***DAILY DOUBLE*** Type of relaxer that requires a base cream
What is Base relaxer
***DAILY DOUBLE***When 2 substances cannot mix with each other, also when 2 substances are able to mix with each other.
What is Immiscible = cannot mix with each other Miscible = can mix with each other
Any illness caused by overexposure to certain products or ingredients.
What is Occupational disease
***Love you favorite neighbor DAILY DOUBLE***You get double and neighbor of choice takes 300pts from another neighbor you choose. Chemical side bonds that are broken only by a chemical solution. They are very strong.
What are Disulfide bonds
This relaxer has a strong alkaline ingredient and is considered a “lye” relaxer.
What is Sodium hydroxide
***DAILY DOUBLE PLUS*** Also take 300pts from team of choice. The measurement of a liquid’s thickness and how that affects the liquid’s flow
What is Viscosity
2 or more types of matter are blended but not chemically joined
What is Physical mixture
***SWEET JEOPARDY*** Receive candy if correct. Products that contain more hydrogen ions
What is Acid
***OUCH BLAST***Loose 400pts if wrong or double if right. These bonds connect amino acids that form polypeptides
What is Peptide
This relaxer is best used on less resistant, fine to medium texture hair for optimum to average relaxation. Compatible with soft curl permanent and has the additive ingredient of ammonia and thioglycolic acid.
What is Ammonium thioglycolate
Completed during the service to determine if the required service time has been achieved
What is Processing strand test
Gas, vapor Liquid and solids are all forms of this?
What is Matter
***DAILY DOUBLE***5 major things to check for during the guest consultation
What are Density, porosity, texture, elasticity and condition on hair
The process where one sulfur atom is removed from a disulfide and is converted into another bond
What is Lanthionization
***DAILY DOUBLE*** A type of thio relaxer that is best used on average to moderate relaxation on fine texture or tinted hair. It is known as the mildest relaxer
What is Ammonium Bisulfite
***DAILY DOUBLE***Can you use a hydroxide relaxer on someone who has had a permanent wave done on their hair and why?
What is No!!!! Because breakage will result
***DAILY DOUBLE*** Describe how to make a physical change to the hair and how to make a permanent change to the hair and which bonds are broken in each change
What is Physical change = A temporary change in the shape of the hair such as curling the hair with a thermal iron breaking the hydrogen bonds. Chemical change = permanently changes the structure of the hair by breaking the disulfide bonds ie: chemically relaxing the hair.
***DAILY DOUBLE***When checking for the elasticity of hair, how far should you be able to stretch wet and dry hair without it breaking
What is Wet hair = 50% Dry hair = 20%