The name of the scale used to determine elecronegativity
What is Pauling Scale
The inner most electron shell can hold this many electrons
What is two
The one to two letters used to identify the element on the periodic table
What is a symbol
These types of atoms have equal protons and electrons
What is neutral atom
The max amount of hydrogen bonds that each water molecule can make
What is four
When one atom is much more electronegative than the other atom it creates this bond
What is an ionic bond
Electrons in the outermost electron shell
What are valence electrons
The list of known elements that's read like a book, from left to right and top to bottom
Atoms become charged by losing or gaining these
What is electrons
What the solution is called when water is the solvent
What is an aqueous solution
When two atoms have a difference in electronegativity less than 0.4 it makes this type of bond
What is a nonpolar bond
Atoms loss or gain electrons to get to the most stable electron configuration
What is the octet rule
The number of protons in the element, shown on the upper left hand of the element
what is oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
The polarity of water
What is polar
What is an atoms tendency to pull electrons toward itself
Charged atoms are also refered to as this
Elements in column eight
What is noble gas
Two or more elements in a fixed ratio bonded together to make something new
What is a compound
The reason water can support life on Earth
What is hydrogen bonds
Electronegativity tends to increase as you move this direction on the periodic table
What is top right
What is negative
The combination of protons and neutrons that’s not a whole number, shown on the bottom of the element
What is atomic weight
the reasons why elements combine and atoms interact with each other
What is the octet rule
Moderate temperature, act as a solvent, makes water cohesive and adhesive
What is the reason hydrogen bonds are important