There are approximately 100 Trillion bacteria living in your intestines right now. What is this number in scientific notation?
1 x 1014
How many sig figs does 3,240,000 miles have?
What is 3 significant figures
What is 800 x 4.32?
What is 3000?
What prefix can be used for 10-6 g?
What is a microgram
Give the equality and two conversion factors for the following:
A Toyota Prius can go 56 miles on 1 gallon of gas
56 mi = 1 gal
56 mi/ 1 gal
1 gal/ 56 mi
Double Jeopardy!
What is the number and place value of the uncertain digit in this measurement? 124.8
What is 8 in the tenths place
How many sig figs are in the measurement 1,000,080 grams?
What is 6 significant figures
What is 2.523 g + 165.2 g?
What is 167.7 g
500 mg = _____ g
What is 0.5 grams
Triple Jeopardy!
Give the equality and two conversion factors for the following:
Sterling silver is 93% silver by mass
93 g of silver = 100 g of sterling
93 g silver/100 g sterling
100 g sterling/93 g silver
Give the correct measurement for the following mass:
What is 142.0 g
Double Jeopardy
How many sig figs does 0.00040800 have?
What is 5 significant figures
What is 5,130.40 kg -2.200 kg?
What is 5,128.20 kg
1 Mg = _____________mg
What is 1 x 109 mg
8.35 meters x 3.996 meters
What is 33.4 square meters (m2)
What is the correct milliliter measurement for this volume:
What is 6.60 mL
Double Jeopardy!
245,860,000,000 Place in Scientific Notation
2.4586 x 1011
What is 800.2 m2 / 311 m?
What is 2.57 m
2.5 km = ______ cm
What is 250,000 cm
Double Jeopardy!
7 centimeters x 1.86 centimeters x 0.002 centimeters
What is 0.03 cubic centimeters (CC or cm3)
Double Jeopardy!
The average temperature of space is 2.7 Kelvin (K). What is this temperature in Fahrenheit (Round to the nearest ones place)
K = (T°C + 273.15)
T°F = (1.8)T°C + 32
What is - 454.9 degrees Fahrenheit
What is 3,200,000. meters in scientific notation?
What is 3.200000 x 106 meters
Double Jeopardy!
A chemist wants to dilute a solution that is 125.0 mL. He needs to add 4 times this volume in water to do so. Calculate the amount of water needed to the correct number of significant figures.
What is 500.0 mL of water
A container holds 0.500 qt of liquid. How many milliliters of solution will it hold?
1 qt = 946.4 mL
What is 473 mL
Double Jeopardy!
Wine is 12% alcohol by volume. How many milliliters of alcohol are in a 0.750-L bottle of wine?
What is 90. mL