Periodic Table
Chemistry Around Us
Grab Bag

What is an atom?

The basic unit of a chemical element.


Which element has 10 protons?



Describe evaporation and condensation in your own words.

Evaporation is when water vapors disperse ("go up", and this usually happens when it is warm. Condensation happens when water droplets form, and this usually happens when it is cold.


What is the difference between protons and electrons?

Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom, making up the nucleus. Electrons surround the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge. Electrons have a negative charge.


How many protons does Calcium have?



What is the atomic number of Iron (Fe)?



Some insects produce chemical reactions. Give an example of a chemical reaction that you might see (or smell!) from an insect.

Fireflies: produce light
Bombardier Beetles: release a chemical spray to protect themselves from predators
Stink bugs: chemicals that make them stinky to protect themselves from predators
Ants: Formic acid warns fellow ants of danger


What role does fluoride play in dental health?

It neutralizes acid in the mouth and helps make teeth stronger.

The chemical formula for table salt is NaCl. Which two elements comprise table salt?

Sodium and Chlorine (Sodium Chloride)


What is the chemical symbol for Sodium?



Describe the relationship between plants, air, and humans breathing

Plants "breathe in" carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen; Humans then breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.


What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions?

An endothermic reaction absorbs heat, and an exothermic reaction produces heat.


What is the formula for water?

H2O (2 Hydrogen atoms + 1 Oxygen atom)


What are some uses for Gold (Au)? 

Jewelry, money/currency, dentistry (gold fillings), medicine, cell phones, computers

There's lots of chemistry in medicine! Tums are made from sodium bicarbonate (NaC2)--what health problem does this chemical formula help with?

Tummy aches


Name at least two methods of food preservation that can slow down the chemical reactions that cause food to rot or spoil.

Refrigeration, freezing, dehydration (drying), pickling (using an acid like vinegar for preservation)


Name as many elements from the periodic table as you can!

(see periodic table for reference) 


Name at least 3 elements that are part of a balanced diet.

Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Sodium


Explain the causes and results of oxytocin between a mother and baby.

Cause: a chemical reaction in the mother's brain; when a baby is nursing their saliva sends a signal through the mother's skin that goes to the mother's brain.

Results: Feelings of love and bonding


What are reactants and products in a chemical reaction?

Reactants are the substances that enter a chemical reaction, and products are the substances that are created at the end of the reaction. In a chemical equation, reactants are usually written on the left side and products are written on the right side. For example, in the reaction Zn + S → ZnS, zinc and sulfur are the reactants, and zinc sulfide is the product.