General Chemistry 1
Pop Culture Chemistry
General Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry

Sharing their name with a common cleaning tool, what is the more common name of the world's most simple animals from the phylum Porifera?

What are Sponges?


What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust?

What is Oxygen?


What popular engagement ring gemstone is made entirely of carbon?

What is a Diamond?


A logarithmic scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of aqueous solutions

What is pH?


Name this structure commonly found in a college student's everyday life.

What is Caffeine?


In DNA, the four nucleotide bases are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine; in RNA, what base replaces thymine?

What is Uracil?


Name the compound known as the universal solvent.

What is Water?


While not an actual guinea pig, who is the shy, long-suffering assistant of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew from “The Muppet Show” who shares his name with a flat bottomed cylindrical container used in chemistry?

What is Beaker?


The measure in the ability of an atom that is bonded to another atom to attract electrons to itself through bonds. 

What is Electronegativity?


The number of valence electrons for a nitrogen atom. 

What is 5?


Which organ in the human body regenerates itself?

What is the liver?


In chemistry, a cation is a positively charged ion; what is the corresponding five-letter term for a negatively charged ion?

What is an Anion?


This element was a large component of makeup in the Victorian era and early 20th century?

What is Arsenic?


Balance the following equation:


What is Na2SO4+CaCl2--->CaSO4+2NaCl


Name the following functional group.

What is a Carboxylic Acid?


Beginning with L are which molecules that are the primary building blocks of the plasma membrane in cells?

What are lipids?


A type of chemical bond where two atoms share electrons.

What is Covalent Bonding?


What category of elements give fireworks their color?

A) Metalloids

B) Metals

C) Non-Metals

What are Metals?


The reflection of the degree of randomness or disorder associated with the particles that carry the energy.

What is Entropy?


Name the molecular geometry where the all the bond angles are 109.5 degrees.

What is a Tetrahedral?


A person is about 1 cm taller in the morning, compared to when they go to bed. This is because what “C” tissue that connects bones is squished over the course of a day?

What is Cartilage?


What is the common name of the colorless, highly pungent gas whose chemical formula is NH3?

What is Ammonia?


Which real element shares a name to a fictional element that weakens a superhero?

What is Krypton?


3 Laws stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed, the levels of entropy will increase for any spontaneous process, and that the entropy of a pure perfect crystalline substance is absolute zero. 

What are the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics?


A way of describing delocalized electrons within certain molecules or polyatomic ions where the bonding cannot be expressed by one single Lewis structure. 

What is a Resonance Structure?