This is the lightest subatomic particle.
What is an electron?
Name this functional group
What is an anhydride?
The chemical that creates a burning taste sensation when eating chilies.
What is capsaicin?
The predecessor before chemistry.
What is Alchemy?
Diamond and Graphite are both pure forms of what element?
What is Carbon?
Group 1 metals are called this.
What are alkali metals?
These are the reagents for a grignard reaction.
What is Magnesium Bromide?
This is the hardest material in the human body.
What is tooth enamel?
This scientist is responsible for the arrangement of the periodic table.
Who is Mendeleev?
These are the only two elements that assume liquid form at room temperature.
What are bromine and mercury?
These substances conduct electricity when dissolved in water.
What are electrolytes?
Trinitrotoluene, an explosive compound, is better known as this.
What is TNT?
The gaseous oxygen we breathe may be colorless, but the liquid and solid forms are this color.
What is blue?
Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize for her work in this chemical field.
What is Radioactive chemistry?
This is the only letter that doesn't appear on the periodic table.
What is the letter J?
These special globular diagrams can help us determine if atoms are able to bond to one another.
What are Molecular Orbital Diagrams?
This form of spectroscopy will reveal information about the environments surrounding Carbons and Hydrogens.
What is 13C and 1H NMR?
There are about this many pounds of salt (NaCl) in the average adult human body.
What is about 0.4 lbs or 200g?
This element is named after the greek word for "smell".
What is Osmium?
This is what gives the planet Mars its red color.
What is iron oxide or rust?
This is the amount of energy it takes to remove a valence electron from an atom.
What is Ionization Energy?
What is the IUPAC name of the following compound: CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH2OH?
What is 2-methyl-1-butanol?
This metal can be melted by holding it in the palm of your hand.
What is gallium?
This element was discovered after the scientist peed on a random rock and it started glowing.
Who is Phosphorus?
This is the rarest naturally occurring element in Earth's crust.
What is Astatine?