Engineering Calculations & Process Variables
Material Balances
Gas System Calculations
Phase Equilibrium
Energy Balances

The absolute temperature scale in American Engineering units

What is Rankine (oR)?


The general form for a material balance

What is input - output + generation - consumption = accumulation?


The standard temperature and pressure in SI units

What are 0oC and 1 atm?


The pressure at which a liquid boils at a given temperature

What is the vapor pressure (saturation pressure)?


The components for the total energy of a system

What are kinetic energy, potential energy, and internal energy?


Force applied over an area

What is pressure?


The procedure used to determine if you have enough information to solve a given problem

What is a degree-of-freedom (DOF) analysis?


The pressure exerted by one component of a gas mixture

What is partial pressure?


A plot of one system variable vs. another that shows conditions at which a substance is solid, liquid, and gas (vapor)

What is a phase diagram?


The energy that flows as a result of temperature difference between a system and its surroundings

What is heat?

The ratio of the density of a component to a reference density (such as air or water)

What is specific gravity?


A process where the feed is charged at the beginning and the products are removed later

What is a batch process?


The numerical value and units for specific molar volume of an ideal gas at STP (only need to say one)

What is 22.4 L/mol, 22.4 m3/kmol, or 359 ft3/lbmol?


The formula that describes vapor-liquid equilibrium for a component of low solubility in a multiple component system

What is Henry's Law?


The change in enthalpy when 1 mole of a liquid solute is dissolved in r moles of liquid solvent at constant T

What is the heat of mixing?


The concentration unit defined as 106 * (fraction of the component)

What is parts per million (ppm)?


The ratio of moles of desired product formed to moles of undesired product formed

What is selectivity?


The equation that represents the law of corresponding states

What is PV = znRT?


The ratio of partial pressure to vapor pressure in an air-carbon dioxide system

What is relative saturation?


The definition of enthalpy (as a statement, don't just say variables)

What is the sum of internal energy and flow work?


Two variables you would have to plot against each other to create a linear plot from data generated using the equation y = a*emx , where a & m are constants

What is ln y vs x? (semi-log plot)


The number of independent material balances around a mixing point for a 3-component system 

What is 3?


The three ideal gas assumptions

What are (1) molecules have negligible volume, (2) molecules don't exert forces on each other (don't interact), and (3) molecules don't collide elastically with container walls or each other?


The equation for Gibb's Phase Rule (must say what each variable means when stating equation)

DOF = 2 + c - PI - r, where c is the number of components present, PI is the number of phases present, and r is the number of independent equilibrated chemical reactions among the species


The reference states for the psychrometric chart in American units

What are Dry Air at 32oF and 14.7 psi and water as a liquid at 32oF and 14.7 psi?