Sorority Meanings
Purposes of the Mascot and Sorority
Mission of CEP
Founders and etc.

What is the date that Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc. was founded upon?

What is October 16th, 1932


What do the letters of the Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc stand for?

What is Chi is for character, Eta is for education, and Phi is for friendship.


What is the first purpose of the mascot and the first purpose of the sorority

What is persevering and encourage of the pursuit of continuing education


What is the first part of the mission of Chi Eta Phi sorority Inc.

What is to provide service for humanity.


Who is the founder of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc?, and as bonus for 50 points who are the other 11 jewels?

who is Aliene C. Ewell, Clara Beverly, Lillian Mosley Boswell, Gladys catchings, Bessie cephas, Henrietta Chisholm, Susan freeman, Ruth Garrett, Olivia Howard, Mildred wood Lucas, Clara belle Royster, and Katherine turner.


What is the motto of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.?

What is Service for Humanity?


Name two main publications of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.

What is JOCEPS and CHI Line


What is the second purpose of the mascot and the sorority?

What is sure footed and recruitment programs for health careers.


What is the second part of the mission of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.

What is to elevate the plane of nursing and to increase the interest in the nursing profession.


Who is the national supreme basileus of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.?

Who is Sarah Killian



When was the Zeta Chi Beta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc. chartered?

What is May 20, 1972


Fill in the vision of chi eta phi sorority Inc.?

What is Chi Eta Phi sorority Inc., is an internationally recognized leader in the provision of ________________, _________________, and ________________.

What is Chi Eta Phi sorority Inc., is an internationally recognized leader in the provision of health education, leadership development, and service to the community.


What is the third purpose of the mascot and the sorority?

What is purposefully directed and stimulation of a close and friendly relationship among members.


How many regions are there?,Which region does Zeta Chi Beta reside?

What is 5 and Middlesouth


How many Graduate and undergraduate chapters of CEP are there?

What is 101 graduate chapters and 41 undergraduate chapters located in 33 states, District of Columbia and St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.    


What are the sorority colors of chi eta phi sorority inc?

What is pea green and lemon yellow?


Please stand up and fill-in the blanks in the Mary Stuart prayer

What is Keep us O god from __________, let us be large in thought in word in deed, let us be done with fault finding and leave off self seeking, may we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self pity and without prejudice, may we never be hasty in judgement and always generous, teach us to put into action our better impulses, to be straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize that it is the little things of life that create differences, that in the big things of life, we are at one, and may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all, ___________, _____________________.

What is Keep us O god from pettiness, let us be large in thought in word in deed, let us be done with fault finding and leave off self seeking, may we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self pity and without prejudice, may we never be hasty in judgement and always generous, teach us to put into action our better impulses, to be straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize that it is the little things of life that create differences, that in the big things of life, we are at one, and may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all, and o lord god, let us forget not to be kind.


What is the fourth purpose of the mascot and the sorority?

What is determined and development of working relationships with other professional groups.


What is boule?

What is the biannual National Meeting of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc., and is composed of the sum total of the member, meets on the odd year and possesses supreme authority and alone has the inherent power of enacting laws and regulations for the government of the sorority.


Where was the sorority organized?

What is Freeman’s hospital in Washington, DC




What are the flowers of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.?

What is White Chrysanthemum and Ivy


Please stand and sing the sorority song

What is chi eta phi, the nurses sorority, we will be forever by the sick eternally, mindful of our obligations, conscious of our aims, we'll fight throughout the nation for the sick, the halt, the lame, chi eta phi we loyally proclaim, chi eta phi we glorify thy name, chi eta phi we pray in expectation, to graciously uphold your vows, throughout this mighty nation.


What is the fifth purpose of the mascot and the sorority

What is risk taking and identification of a core of nursing leaders who affect social changes at the national, regional, and local levels.


How does Chi Eta Phi seek to accomplish our mission?

Encouragement of the pursuit of continuing education

Recruitment programs for health careers

Stimulation of a close and friendly relationship among members      

Development of working relationships with other professional groups                                                       




Who is the beta sponsor of the Zeta Chi Beta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.?

Who is Soror King