The "Sides" of Chicago have historically been divided by this geographical feature:
Chicago River
Chicago was infamously destroyed by a fire in this year:
This trend caused different geographical and demographic sections of Chicago to be deprived of bank loans, credit, or fair interest rates:
This famous musician migrated to Chicago in the early 1920s, known as a staple of both 20th century jazz and South Side culture:
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong
Prior to the Civil War, a small number of Black Americans settled into this "side" of Chicago, formerly occupied by German immigrants:
North Side
Following the effects of segregation in Chicago, banks tended to loan approximately this many cents for every dollar invested into largely white areas:
12 cents
While originally referring to the rich color of the region's soil, this term later referred to the dense population of Black Americans in the South, including South Side Chicago:
The Black Belt
In the time before Lake Michigan was well filtered, some unfortunate Chicagoans found this in their tap water:
This set of laws affected and segregated almost every aspect of life in Chicago, including schools, parks, and even bathrooms:
Jim Crow laws
While initially housing an almost entirely white population in the 1930s, this area experienced a dramatic change due to "White Flight" though the 20th century:
Hyde Park
In 1889, this new Chicago landmark was the largest building in the world:
The Auditorium
Poverty issues of the 1940s caused by segregation and redlining tendencies were accentuated by this widespread economic event:
Great Depression
Within the South Side, this was known to be the capital of Black culture and business through the 1920s-50s, also titled "The Black Metropolis":
The name Chicago comes from the Native American name "Chicagoua," meaning this English phrase:
"The place of the wild onion."
In 1919, this was an series of violent racial outbreaks, largely caused by the returning of both Black and White veterans from World War I:
The Red Summer