Gonzales Biography
Key Terms/Concepts
Gonzales' Critiques

Born and raised here, Gonzales worked in the sugar beet fields in the spring and summer with his father and would return for the remaining seasons to attend school.

What is Denver?


refers to the political uprising of the Chicano collective identity to promote unity in lanitx communities

What is Chicano nationalism?


This institution was criticized by him, he claimed it taught Chicano students to abandon their own culture and to adopt Anglo culture

What is the educational system?


He went by "Corky" sometimes

What is Gonzales' nickname?


an organization founded by Gonzales in 1965 to provide legal, medical, and educational services to Chicano's in Denver

What is The Crusade for Justice?


Gonzales referred to this two-party system as a beast with two heads feeding from the same trough, which ultimately hurt the Chicano community through their policies

What is the republican (GOP) and democratic party?


He was a professional in this combat sport, helping him solidify connections to the sports and political world while being an activist

What is boxing?


This term refers to the principle that the Chicano community must determine their own destiny without reliance on existing systems

What is self-determination?


this organization, spanning across the globe, worked to discourage Chicanos from fighting for their rights and equality

What is the Catholic Church?


Gonzales grew up during a recession, contributing to this identity through his life events with discrimination and poverty 

What is the Chicano identity?

A symbolic homeland for Chicanos, this term is meant to inspire cultural pride and self-determination

What is Aztlan?


Gonzales felt this cultural practice was used to strip the Chicano community of their identity and sense of community

What is cultural assimilation?