Chicano/a Studies
Indigenous Studies
Ancient Americas
Gente de Maiz
MesoAmerican Sites and Belief Systems

A Mexican-American with a defiant political attitude that centers on their right to self-definition and self-determination.

A Chicano/a/e!


This is settler colonialism's best friend.

white supremacy (white supremacist ideology).


What were the Olmec known for? What were they made of?

The Colossal Heads. Made of basalt.


What is the name of the Corn Goddess who is seen holding two ears of corn in her hands.



This is the largest structure in Yaxha.

Templo 216 - East Acropolis. 


When you identify someone with these terms, you still won't know their specific race or color.

"Latino" and "Hispanic"


The name of the ancestral land for Chicanos/Mexicans.



The term for the area called MesoAmerica that had complex agricultural systems, writing systems, and valuable arts market.

Cradle of civilization


This phrase was used by the author Roberto "Cintli" Rodriguez when describing the effect of holding a tortilla in one's hand and feeling connected to your ancestors.

Portal of memory.


Almost every MesoAmerican historical site had one of these. It was a space of competition and you didn't want to be the winner.

Ulama, pokolpok (or pok-te-pok), tlachtli


This is why Chicano/a/es do not use or identify with the word "Hispanic".

Because it means to be "from Spain" and they didn't want to identify with the colonizers. It is also not inclusive of non-Spanish speaking people from Latin America.


This offers us different lenses and perspectives through which to learn history.

Historical Frameworks.


This is the name of stone slabs that were often used as gravemarkers.



Women were responsible for this aspect of corn production.

Storing the corn, cooking it, preparing it, and overall logistics.


The stairs at this MesoAmerican historical site are inoperable and the walls look like Vans shoes.

Rio Bec


Changing letters brings more inclusivity for those who do not identify with the gender binary (non-binary, transgender, genderqueer folks).

Chicane or Chicanx; Latine or Latinx


This popular myth is a part of the dominant narrative of how the United States was founded.

Christopher Columbus discovered America.

These are the 4 ways that Mayans and Olmec figured out how to tell the passing of time.

Tides, Menstrual Cycle (or Gestation Period), Sun, Moon


This is how the Three Sisters were grown.

Bean vines wrapping a corn stalk with squash leaves shading the soil underneath.


This Tesla technology has helped researchers unearth MesoAmerican cities that were hidden by the rainforest.

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)


This was when and why Chicano/a/e Studies started, in the grassy, cloudy hills of San Francisco State University.

In the late 1960s and early 70s, as a direct result of a student protest movement at SFSU to demand a more relevant education and fight against systemic discrimination


A doctrine that legitimized the forceful taking of native land and allowed a system of native enslavement.

Doctrine of Discovery


This Mayan calendar was used to distinguish important, non-repeating dates.

Long Count calendar


The name of the process of making maiz dough. Also, if you didn't add this, it would make you sick.

Nixtamalization. Citric acid or lime.


The San Bartolo murals told this story of the Maya and featured this main character who had a special significance.

The creation story of the Maya featuring the Maiz god traveling through the underworld and giving birth to the Mayan people.