Food Safety

How many drops can you make before having to do a "Quick clean"



How often should the Ice Dream machine be cleaned?

Every Night!


What is the correct chicken holding temperature after it has already been cooked to 165 degrees?

140 degrees or higher


How many pickles go on a CFA or Spicy sandwich?

2 pickles, 3 if small.


When using any sharp piece of equipment (Knife, slicer etc.) What PPE is required?

Cut resistant glove


What is the correct response when a guest says "Thank you!" 

My Pleasure!


What does PPE stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment

How long is chicken good to serve after exiting the fryer?

20 minutes


After preparing salad, and the strawberries are not touching, how long is the shelf life?

24 hours


True or false:

"Find the "little things" to spread joy" is part of 2nd mile service.



What do you do when there is a bodily fluid spill in the restaurant? Blood, vomit, etc.

Use the bodily fluid clean up kit to clean and disinfect the area.


How many tomatoes go on a regular CFA

None! CFA's only have tomatoes if it is a special.


What temperature should raw, thawed chicken be held at?

32-40 degrees


What is the core 4?

1. Create eye contact

2. Share a smile

3. Speak with a friendly/ enthusiastic tone

4. Always say "My pleasure!"


What does it mean to clean?

1. The removal of viral, bodily, and blood born bacteria.

2. To sanitize a surface

3. To wipe away dirt and debris.

3. To wipe away dirt and debris.


There are left over wraps from the day before. You are running short on time and can't prep more before we open. Can you still serve them?

No, the shelf life on a wrap expires at the end of the day it was prepared.


How often must Henny Penny Fryers be boiled out?

Every 30 days.


What does the HEARD recovery model stand for?

H. Hear to understand

E. empathize to feel their concern

A. apologize with "i'm sorry."

R. Resolve he issue

D. Delight the guest


When should you report an accident?

Immediately! Compass policy states you must report an accident no matter how small withing 24 hours of the incident.


During your shift you notice the boards person has been preparing the Grilled sandwiches incorrectly and serving them to guests. What do you do?

A. Wait for them to be alone and let them know

B. Give them guidance right away to prevent anymore errors

C. Nothing, i'm not a supervisor

D. Tell them to switch stations with you because you know how to do it.

B. Give them guidance right away to prevent anymore errors.

While it may be easier to do nothing or to just take over the station, we are a team! we need to build each other up by sharing our knowledge and encouraging others.